A Whitewash Unraveled

A Whitewash Unraveled

The Lies Behind Andy Burnham's Oldham’s ‘Assurance Review’

GM Mayor, Andy Burnham’s so-called ‘limited’ Assurance Review into the gang rape of young White girls in Oldham, better described as an attempted cover-up of the cover-up, was published on 20th June 2022. Refusing to accept their whitewash, I took to YouTube the day after (June 21, 2022), to deliver the first of my debriefs, exposing the glaring inconsistencies in their narrative. I'd spent 24 hours examining the 200+ page document.

The Fight for a Public Inquiry

During the live transmission, I systematically dismantled the review’s contradictions, making it clear that the fight for a full Public Inquiry had to continue. At that point, nearly everyone else had either resigned themselves to never uncovering the truth or accused me of lying. Yet, I persisted. It took until January 2025 - over two and a half years later - for Andy Burnham to finally admit his so-called Assurance Review had failed to reveal the truth.

The Smear Campaign

Realising what I was doing, and all previous attempts to silence me had failed, Labour Party campaigners orchestrated a new smear operation. They recruited a survivor to work against me, aiming to assemble a group of young women to falsely accuse me of grooming and rape. The survivor’s role was to lend credibility to these fabricated allegations. A so-called ‘journalist,’ Neil Wilby, aligned with Jim McMahon MP, was enlisted to amplify the false narrative, ensuring it gained traction. Both Wilby and McMahon (now a government minister) openly discussed their plans to silence me.

By now you know I'm not in the business of lying. This is how desperate they got. This actually happened. They recruited a grooming gang survivor to coach a group of girls to make malicious allegations against me of child rape.

Censorship and the Mayor’s Office

Despite knowing the consequences of challenging the official story - while also awaiting trial due to a series of malicious prosecutions orchestrated by Greater Manchester Police to silence me - I refused to back down. I shared my analysis and a summary report. Almost immediately, it was taken down by YouTube following a ‘defamation’ complaint.

A national inquiry would confirm whether the Mayor’s office played a role in this censorship, or indeed, in any of the attempts to maliciously prosecute me. It is already confirmed that both senior Labour politicians including Oldham Council leader Arooj Shah and her Council repeatedly fabricated evidence to try and have me prosecuted and imprisoned.

The Evidence They Tried to Erase

Here is the link to the original broadcast on YouTube. You’ll see for yourself - it has been removed in the UK.

Their attempts to silence me failed to stop me. I’ve re-uploaded the video here for those who want to hear what they tried to bury. You'll see a younger, less grey and wrinkled version of me, setting out the evidence.

Despite the attempts to protect the police, public officials and politicians involved in the cover up, Andy Burnham’s review was forced to admit and confirm the evidence I had released. This included;

  • The Rochdale grooming gang leader Shabir Ahmed worked as a welfare officer in Oldham unchecked for three years despite being accused of serious child sexual abuse
  • Confirmation that Ahmed was a member of the Labour Party and Greater Manchester Police had failed 9 times to investigate him as they should have prior to his charge and conviction for 33 rapes of children!
  • Girls being drugged and violently raped were said by social workers to be ‘putting themselves at risk’
  • Oldham Council gave taxi driver licences to men convicted or accused of serious sexual offences involving women and children
  • Shisha bars were known to be a threat - but vulnerable children as young as 13 still visited them for years.

When I started this campaign, they called it 'bare faced lies'. Now, not only do we know who the real liars are, we also know that what we forced them to admit to in Oldham was taking place across the United Kingdom. Here is an extract of an interview by former Prime Minister Liz Truss. You will clearly hear her make reference to 100,000 children.


Please Help Me Finish This.
If you are coming to me new, my name is Raja Miah MBE. I am responsible for leading a six year campaign that blew the lid off how Labour Party politicians were involved in protecting Pakistani Rape Gangs. You won’t find me on any news channel in the UK nor featured in the legacy press.

My work is free for all. No paywalls. No restrictions. No exclusions of any kind. Unfortunately, our numbers aren’t where they need to be. We are up against a powerful machine: legacy media, politicians, police and public officials working together to bury the scale of this cover-up. To fight back, we need to grow.

My goal is simple - just 10 new newsletter subscribers a day. Through my newsletter, I document everything in detail - the evidence, the investigations, and the fight for justice. 100% free, though if you can afford to subscribe and financially support me, it costs as little as 75p a week or £30 for the year.

If a monthly subscription isn’t possible, a one-off contribution makes a difference. I am 100% community funded. Every penny goes towards keeping my work alive and securing a National Inquiry.

👉 http://BuyMeACoffee.com/recusantnine

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Without without your support, powerful politicians will continue to bury this. Without your support, there will be no justice. Please stand with me.

Raja 🙏