Another Shah Shambles

Another shameful day for Oldham Council. I'm hearing reports that this gentleman had to be taken to hospital after being assaulted by Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH's security team. Just as the vast majority of us were neither far right nor racist for objecting to the cover up of the gang rape of our town's children, neither are the vast majority of people who are objecting to the tens of thousands being killed in Gaza antisemitic or Islamists. In Oldham, we know all too well how those in power are quick to label those who dare speak out against them.
For those unfamiliar with my home town of Oldham, this is the Public Gallery of our Council chamber. Though the hired muscle that took this man away where the cameras could not see what they did to him are behaving as though they are bouncers in a dodgy nightclub, they are in fact Oldham Council's security services.
The voices of encouragement you can hear, egging on Council's stormtroopers, are of the Deputy Mayor EDDIE MOORES and the always quick to cry wolf council leader AROOJ SHAH. She is also Chair of the Labour Party National Constitutional Committee.
SHAH is the sort of politician that when she isn't hanging off the arm of a convicted heroin dealing getaway driver of a cop killer, or sinisterly following opposition councillors attempting to unlawfully secure CCTV footage, can be found posting encouraging love heart emojis in response to social media posts offering to violently silence her critics. Dare you speak out against her, and the gangsters unable to scare you off, the police will come and arrest you, such is the control her and her Labour Party have in the town.
You can also hear Cllr ABDUL WAHID's desperate pleas to leave the man alone. Unfortunately, he wasn't left alone. I am informed that he left in an ambulance having suffered a heart attack after being assaulted at what sounded like the instructions of Deputy Mayor EDDIE MOORES . Cllr WAHID and his team of independents are taking the fight to Labour in wards that SHAH and her kind consider their birthright. In a town like Oldham, I genuinely worry for his safety and anyone else that dares oppose the Labour Party.
You do not have to agree with the protester nor his politics. What you need to understand is that if AROOJ SHAH's Labour Party run Council can assault someone in the Public Gallery for speaking out on an issue they care about, when the time comes, they will do the same to you and I should we ever have the courage to speak out on an issue we care about. This is tyranny. This is the real face of the Labour Party. This is why we must not fear them. A reckoning is coming. And win or lose, we will fight to protect our democracy, just as we fight to safeguard our children.
Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH needs to understand that no matter how many old men her LABOUR PARTY paid stormtroopers attack and put in hospital, at the ballot box, there will be a reckoning. A cross community alliance of the townsfolk, united in our contempt to the exploitation of our communities by the LABOUR PARTY, will remove her from power this May. And at the General Election that follows, we will also remove her master, the tyrant JIM McMAHON MP, from power too. Only then will we have a chance for justice. Only then will this town have a chance to heal. Only then will we have a chance to build a better town and take back what belongs to us.
Link to this morning's post budget member only Q&A below.
Raja Miah MBE
Independent Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West, Chadderton & Royton