Are White People Angry Enough Yet to Vote Labour Out?

In towns and cities across our country, vigils have been held in support of Ukrainians forced to flee their homes after the Russian invasion. Irrespective of the politics of who is right or wrong and the oversimplified media spin on this conflict, the empathy towards innocent civilians fleeing a crisis not of their making has been almost universal. That is, almost universal until now.
One such vigil was held in Oldham at 6pm on Sunday 6th March 2022 at Oldham's Parish Church. For those of you unfamiliar with Oldham, the Parish Church fronts on to the war memorial in the town centre. When events are scheduled to be held here, such as a vigil, it is accepted that this is the town's 'official' response. With members of the borough Ukrainian community involved, a community with a long history in Oldham, the vigil was an opportunity for our civic leaders to show solidarity for people from Ukraine.
Featured in the Oldham Times and shared amongst all of the political groupings in Oldham, it is hard to believe that the town's civic leaders were unaware of the event, particularly as similar themed events were taking place in other parts of the borough and in neighbouring towns and cities on the same Sunday. Rightly so, the hosting of the event at Oldham's central town centre church, next to the war memorial, provided the event with the status it deserved. This was Oldham's opportunity to demonstrate the town stood alongside the now nearly 2 million innocent civilians that have had to flee their homes. Expectations were high that this event would be well supported by the town's leaders.
In similar vigils, such as the one held at Manchester Cathedral, in attendance were Manchesters councillors, its senior Council officers and both the Council leader BEV CRAIG and the MP AFZAL KHAN. Both attended and spoke movingly in support of the Ukrainian community. It should have been the same in Oldham. Sadly, it was not.
Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH failed to show. JIM McMAHON, the town's MP was also absent. Oldham Council Chief Executive, HARRY CATHERALL, was nowhere to be seen and the Mayor, JENNY HARRISON, who to her credit did attend, did so in her non Mayoral capacity. To all extents and purposes, what took place by the Labour Party run Council appeared to be a BOYCOTT of the vigil. As news of what transpired spread across the town, and the townsfolk horrified at what took place, I suppose it was only inevitable that the Oldham Times, who had publicised the event, failed to report on what then took place and the Council no shows. Also inevitable was JIM McMAHON MP, after being once again exposed for his behaviour, once again running to a malicious blogger on social media to attack me yet again.
Now why would the town's civic leaders fail to attend this event?
Could it be that JIM McMAHON MP, Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH and their team were all busy and could not free up their diary? Maybe they had double booked at a mocktail bar? Or possibly a prior engagement with a plateful of samosas at an all you can eat Sunday buffet? How about busy at the shredding machine not quite happy yet with the latest version of the ever delayed CSE report?
In all seriousness, it is through the Mayor's actions and not just the no shows that I believe that what took place was an actual boycott! Why did the Mayor attend but arrive in her non formal position without the chains of her office? Are we really to believe that someone in the Council decided that paying the pittance for a few hours of her driver's time, so that she could attend in her formal position, was too much for the public purse to bear? If so, who made this decision? Over the years, I've seen Mayors wearing their chains of offices and opening chicken shops. Why on earth would she not attend a vigil in support of the Ukrainian victims in her official capacity?
Within days of becoming Council leader, AROOJ SHAH attended a protest in support of Palestine. Why did the leader of Oldham Council not attend a vigil in support of ordinary Ukrainians when Oldham has a rich and historical Ukrainian community? Are they not also worthy of our support during their time of need?
I cannot tell you their reasons for their absence. I can only share with you what I think is going on. Oldham's Muslim community, the one that overwhelmingly votes Labour and through the power of their block vote are in control of the fate of 2 MPs and give or take 20 of the town's councillors, is pro Russian. This should not be new news. In my experience, and I was raised in these communities, the natural disposition of this community has nearly always been anti Western. Unfortunately, as tragic as this is, including considering your own country your enemy, there is more at play here. The overriding loyalties of many is to their religion rather than their nationality. And so, they in particular view what they consider to be mainstream society's lack of response to conflicts in places like Yemen, Kashmir and the Palestinian issue, in comparison to Ukraine, as a classic example of double standards. Public outrage at the conflict in Ukraine only fuels their resentment and sense of victimhood.
In their eyes, we are hypocrites and racists who only object to the fall out of war when it suits us. Either because of our national (imperialistic) interests or because of the racial background of the victims. The allegation is that we only care when the victims are White and Christian. My own views are, that with all of this playing out in the background, the Council's actions on Sunday night were unforgivable. In a town such as ours, I believe that in moments like this, it is even more important for those with legitimacy amongst our minority Muslim communities to lead by example. Sadly, I'm not surprised by their boycott. Are you?
In the lead up to Sunday, IRISH IMY, in his role as Labour Party Campaign Manager (I'm not sure whether his position is official or unofficial but I've yet to see anyone from the Labour Party distance themselves from him or his extreme views) took to social media and ridiculed those that expressed their support of Ukraine. A line had been drawn. The position was as follows.

The viewpoint of this convicted heroin dealing getaway driver of an Oldham cop killer is sadly reflective of the position amongst significant members of Oldham's Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim communities. Essentially, it is that seeing as you White people did not care about people (dark skinned and Muslim) being killed elsewhere (as in Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Kashmir) then Muslims are right not to care about what is taking place here. And should you care, or express support for the Ukrainians, then you are more than just a 'f**king sheep'.
Essentially, the message in the Muslim community is that if you speak out in support of the Ukrainians, or show any form of solidarity towards them, then you are a traitor to the Muslim Ummah.
From the beginning I have maintained that (s)he who controls the Muslim vote controls the town. Please do not misunderstand my position. Being reliant on the Muslim vote to maintain a political position is not the same as being in control of the Muslim block vote. As demonstrated by Sunday night's actions, does anyone really believe the likes of McMAHON & SHAH are really in control?
Perhaps I come from a different place and my interpretation of leadership is an idealistic relic from times long past and never to return. I believe leaders have responsibility to educate those that elected them and lead by example. This means not pandering to prejudices. Which is ultimately what I believe took place on Sunday night when JIM McMAHON MP, Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH and their Labour Party run Council all but boycotted the vigil in support of Ukraine. I do not believe their actions were motivated because they support the killing of innocents or are indifferent to millions being made desolate and forced to flee their homes. I believe their actions are motivated by the attitudes and prejudices prevalent within the Muslim communities of Oldham whom they are reliant on to keep hold of power.
Sunday night's failure by our town's Labour Party leaders to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine is a watershed moment in the history of our town. What took place was more than just shameful. What took place was predictable.
Getting the White Vote Angry
McMAHON and his attack dog, the malicious blogger and proven liar NEIL WILBY have accused me of being a Far Right activist responsible for 'getting the White vote angry'. By now, it should be apparent to all that I will not be intimidated by how these people label me or whether they claim I am a police informant and publish details of where I live hoping I will be killed.
When the former Labour Party press officer, HANNAH AL OTHMAN, from the Sunday Times contacted me regarding a hatchet piece she was writing after I helped defeat SEAN FIELDING, I sent her an up to date photograph to use in her article. When the Oldham Times maliciously ran a story claiming I had been arrested as part of a child sexual exploitation investigation, I shared their headline.
I am a decorated anti racist with a 25 year flawless record in this line of work. I have served my country across the world and now I will serve the people of the town that raised me. I doubt any of these politicians or their friends in the press agreed with my position, dating back to 1997, where I warned about the consequences of segregating communities and pandering to Islamist extremists. I do not expect them to agree with me now. I did not care what they thought of me when I was a young man starting out in his career whilst in my early 20s. Does anyone really think I care what these people think of me now I am approaching 50 years of age?
A will leave you with a few questions.
Knowing what you now know, how can any of you vote for AROOJ SHAH or any one of her Labour Party candidates?
How can you vote for Labour Party councillors such as HANNAH ROBERTS (Royton North), SHAID MUSHTAQ (Alexandra), JEAN STRETTON (Hollinwood), BARBARA BROWNRIDGE (Chadderton North), PETE DAVIS (Failsworth West), ELAINE GARRY (Failsworth East), ABDUL MALIK (Coldhurst), MARIE BASHFORTH (Royton South) COLIN McLAREN (Chadderton Central) or AROOJ SHAH in Chadderton South?
Knowing what you know now, how can any of you still not go out and help vote them out?
Can you not see how you have been manipulated and exploited? So what if your grandfather voted Labour! I guarantee you they did not vote for a proven antisemitic Labour Party that boycotts a vigil in solidarity with women and children fleeing their bombed out homes. I will (and have) staked my freedom and my life that they did not support the likes of Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH, who brazenly celebrates her relationships with multiple mobsters including the convicted heroin dealing getaway driver of an Oldham cop killer.
As for JIM McMAHON. Do any of you traditional Labour Party supporters believe that your forbears supported a weasel careerist that spends his time claiming hundreds of thousands of pounds each year on expenses whilst nibbling samosas with a community whose core values include beliefs that are the polar opposite to what we as a nation hold dear? Labour Party politicians have already covered up the grooming and gang rape of our town's children? What more will it take for you to make a stand?
There is nothing criminal against getting angry. The reason these people do not want you angry is because they do not want you to vote. And if by now you are not angry enough to vote, I doubt you ever will be.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
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