As McMahon Remains Silent On Latest Oldham Rape Gang Link, Between Charlotte Green & The Oldham Times, Something Rotten Very Much Stinks

24 men have so far been charged in a Bradford CSE case involving a 13 year old child who was 'raped, forced into prostitution and sexual activity'. Two of these men are from Oldham. Their names are KHAZER HUSSAIN (41) and SYED SHABIR (39). Both have been charged with Conspiracy to rape and false imprisonment. Both men are no strangers to the criminal justice system or organised crime.

Here is the Oldham Evening Chronicle link that references the conviction of SYED SHABIR for importing heroin into the United Kingdom. KHAZER HUSSAIN was found innocent after claiming he was set up by his friend.

Here is the Manchester Evening News article of the trial of three men for the machine gun killing of JUNAID KHAN. All of the men were acquitted and to this day a wall of silence surrounds the brutal murder of this young man. You will notice one of the three names is NAVEED SHABIR. I'm not sure why they used SYED 'NAVEED' SHABIR's middle name in reporting this case.

Now we have a convicted drug dealer who, having previously faced trial in the murder of a 21 year old in Werneth, is newly charged with conspiracy to rape and false imprisonment in a Grooming Gang case and NO ONE in the mainstream media in Oldham has picked up on it. Guess why? COULD HIS VERY HIGH PROFILE POLITICIAN COUSIN HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH WHY THIS IS? Oh you didn't know...
This town is rotten. And for it to have become as corrupt as it is, has only been possible with the complicity of the mainstream media. This is just another example in an ever growing list. This is a free to air transmission that I shared on Friday afternoon. I considered it in the interest of all the people of Oldham to know that 2 Oldham men had been charged in the Bradford CSE case.
I will see subscribers later this evening. Link to this evening's transmission can be found at the end of this post. Let's be honest here. There is a reason why ERIN LYON's team at THE OLDHAM TIMES fabricated an allegation that I was arrested as part of a CSE investigation. And why JIM McMAHON MP and GMP have repeatedly attempted and still failed to frame me in their attempts to silence the information and analysis I share.
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Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
For the last 4 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.
Link to the Recusant Nine Subscriber Only Transmission below.