As people are stabbed in the streets, GMP measure performance through their social media reach

As people are stabbed in the streets, GMP measure performance through their social media reach

In a report in August 2009, Chief Constable Peter Fahy said ‘Asian organised crime groups’ were the ‘emerging firearms threat’ – comparing their rise in town's like Oldham to that of Moss Side’s gangs in the 80s. But unlike the Black gangs of Moss Side, membership of the Glodwick gangs is largely made of young men of Pakistani heritage connected by clan loyalties and family ties. Which is why it was only inevitable that they would expand into using their influence in their close knit communities and expanding into the world of politics.

No surprise then that Chief Superintendent CHRIS BOWEN continues to fail to charge a single person with the firebombing of the at time Council leader AROOJ SHAH's car. A Council leader who herself has serious gang land connections. I wonder who GMP would have charged if not for the leaked CCTV footage? This is what JIM McMAHON MP had to say about the firebombing at the time.

First female Muslim leader of Oldham Council’s car is firebombed
Arooj Shah’s car was torched just before 1.30am on Tuesday in the Glodwick area of the town. Police this afternoon arrested a 23-year-old man on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life.

Why the silence now JIM? Was the leaked video footage not to your liking?

Speaking of the inept leaders at Greater Manchester Police, this week saw Operation Avro return to Oldham. In a bizarre series of announcements, it now appears that a key performance indicator is no longer how many criminals they arrest but how many social media posts they publish. I kid you not.

Look forward to catching up with you all during Sunday evening's live broadcast.

Raja 🙏

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.


For the last 4 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.

Link to Sunday evening's Recusant Nine transmission