As Shah Takes Control, The Newspapers Do As They Are Told

In a town like Oldham, where do you get the news from? Is it from a so called ‘newspaper’ like the Oldham Times? One that is both on the payroll of Oldham Council and also neck deep in the cover up of the gang rape of the town’s children? Or do you go somewhere else?
And in case you needed to think about it, here is the Oldham Times story to who has been up in the Courts in the last 2 weeks. Notice how there is NO reference to Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH’s so called ‘childhood friend’. That’s IRISH IMY, the same convicted heroin dealing gangster she was at the count with and then out celebrating her victory. Why did KENT LAWLOR omit him from his story? Could the tens of thousands of pounds that the Labour Party and Oldham Council spend with the newspaper have something to do with it?
Maybe the Oldham Times will tell you why the latest conviction of an Oldham cop killer’s getaway driver did not make a newspaper that has Oldham in its name. And maybe, if you’ve decided you’ve had enough of the deceit and cover ups, and want to take your town back from these people, you will sign up to Recusant Nine where I share with you the kind of truth that has resulted in the politicians, police and gangsters trying to all silence me.

My name is Raja Miah. Ordinarily, on a Sunday evening, hundreds of Oldhamers settle in to watch a Recusant Nine transmission that is broadcast on YouTube. Contrary to what some may suggest, and believe me they are doing, the ousting of 3 consecutive Council leaders and Labour control of the town reduced to just 2 seats would not have been possible without my involvement.

Unlike AMANDA CHADDERTON and AROOJ SHAH, the threats to my life are brazen and can be found even on the Facebook page of JIM McMAHON MP. And because of this, not only do I barricade myself in my home at night, I also make sure to lock the doors of my car. Despite these threats, repeatedly falsely arrested and locked in police cells as well as being dragged through the Courts for defamation and being obsessed over by a Malicious Blogger, I have continued to turn up every day up to last week's election. I'll let you decide why AMANDA CHADDERTON was ousted and what 'hope' their is of wrestling control of Oldham Council from Labour without my contribution.
I'm currently on a break from exhaustion and hope to return next month. Sadly, if I don’t get a substantial increase in subscriptions the transmissions will go subscriber only. I’ll let you decide for yourselves what will happen come next May should all my work go behind a paywall. I’d rather not, and would prefer to continue putting out all of my content for free. Unfortunately, I don’t own a mocktail bar, drive a Lamborghini nor have any shares in HMOs or in receipt of Council contracts. For me to continue as is, I need at least another 100 paid subscribers. Subscription starts at just £3 a month!
Hopefully enough people will see the value of the consistency of my work over the last 5 years rather than believe the nonsense of those that seek to whitewash me out of why the town has fought back the way it has. Hopefully, 100 more people will take out a subscription that is just 75p a week. I think that I provide much more value than the Oldham Times. Don’t you?
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Independent Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West & Royton
For the last 5 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.