As Wilby wails, and McMahon continues to fail, The Oldham Times send In Imogen to spin another fairy tale

As Wilby wails, and McMahon continues to fail, The Oldham Times send In Imogen to spin another fairy tale

This is the update on the politicly motivated criminal proceedings against me by DS CHRISTOPHER DEAN and his team at Greater Manchester Police. As you will see, it is a very different take on developments than as reported by IMOGEN CLYDE-SMITH and her Council funded paymasters at the Oldham Times.

Preliminary hearing set for Raja Miah harassment case
A preliminary hearing date has been set for an ‘activist’ accused of harassing a woman over the course of more than a year.

My thoughts are that a case management hearing scheduled for 6 months time, which will take this saga to over 2 years since my initial arrest, will not go ahead and the District Judge has provided the CPS with a way out without being shamed in front of a packed public gallery and the press present.

Both the Judge and the CPS now have a copy of my initial defence bundle. Those that have followed me know how I work and my systematic, methodical, evidence led approach. Having already dismissed the CPS's attempts to block the Court considering the validity of my evidence, District Judge Hadfield was scheduled to decide what could be used in the trial. These decisions would have been made on an exhibit by exhibit basis in front of the press and public. He decided not to do this.

From the outset I have maintained that mine is a politically motivated persecution involving corrupt police officers complicit in attempting to protect criminal politicians and Council officers involved in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of our town's children. This scandal has not only taken out 2 Council leaders and incriminated the town's MPs, JIM McMAHON & DEBBIE ABRAHAMS, it has also exposed GM Mayor ANDY BURNHAM and his team.

Yesterday may not have been the victory that I wanted in the way that I would have liked, but be in no doubt, as demonstrated by the spin and selective silence from the Manchester Evening News and the Oldham Times who were both there, yesterday was a victory.

Once again, I reiterate to the CPS, there will be no deals nor any quarter or inch given by me. Leave with dignity, demonstrating that once you had sight of the evidence you did the right thing, or be shamed at Court in front of the people of my town and beyond. And as for DS CHRISTOPHER DEAN and the proven Pakistani Rape Gang protectors at Greater Manchester Police that have attempted to maliciously prosecute me. I, and the people of my town, are coming for you. There will be a reckoning. Neither you, nor the politicians you protect, are above the law.

Once again, my eternal gratitude to those that continue to stand alongside me. Raja 🙏

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.


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