Oldham Council has a new Interim Borough Solicitor. His name is ALEXANDER BOUGATEF. With both a hairline and surname resembling a villain out of a James Bond movie, BOUGATAF's promotion should not surprise anyone who is familiar with how corrupt Oldham is.

BOUGATEF is the solicitor that, whilst Interim Assistant Borough Solicitor, authorised the blowing of thousands of pounds of Oldham tax payers money in his bodged attempt to take out an injunction against me after I exposed scandal after scandal involving Oldham's political elite. AROOJ SHAH's new go to attack dog claimed using the term 'samosa nibbler' constituted harassment.

I will release more damning details of what happened in a follow up article. For now, all you need to know is that what BOUGATAF considers harassment, is actually my relentless campaigning to safeguard children and cut out the corruption that infests my Labour Party run home town of Oldham.

Which brings me back around to the growing concern across the borough of how Oldham's politicians and senior Council officers continue to avoid completing Enhanced DBS Checks. An issue that has been rumbling on for some time, with even HOWARD SYKES speaking out, you would have thought that Oldham Council would have dealt with it by now. It has not.

That AROOJ SHAH's Oldham Council has NOT completed DBS checks for all of its councillors should now concern everyone that lives in the borough. It's as if they have something to hide. Below is a response to a Freedom of Information request from Oldham Council to a member of the public this August. Look closely, you will see how OMBC is fudging the questions asked.

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