Call on GM Mayor ANDY BURNHAM to launch an Inquiry into GMP Operation Hexagon

On the 9th December 2020, former ACC NICK BAILEY from the now 'In Accelerated Special Measures' and since proven paedophile protecting Greater Manchester Police, was forced to issue a clarification to the Manchester Evening News regarding OPERATION HEXAGON. This followed an email exchange between Liberal Democrat opposition group leader Councillor HOWARD SYKES and then Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) MABS HUSSAIN.
Cllr SYKES had written to ACC HUSSAIN asking for confirmation that if evidence of CSE was identified in the review that the force would ‘relentlessly investigate’ any allegations, either historical or contemporaneous. ACC HUSSAIN confirmed that GMP has established OPERATION HEXAGON under the command of ACC NICK BAILEY as gold commander to work with the review into the historic allegations.
Most people, having read this, would naturally assume that OPERATION HEXAGON was the name for Greater Manchester Police's investigation into CSE in Oldham. It wasn't. OPERATION HEXAGON's role 'to work with the review into the historic allegations' had very little, if anything at all, to do with investigating allegations of CSE. Its primary purpose was to do something else entirely.
The MEN article was quickly updated following a further press release from GMP. This press release directly quotes ACC NICK BAILEY.
"Following reports of correspondence between Councillor Howard Sykes and ACC Hussain, I would like to make further comment, which may help to clarify certain points and prevent inaccurate speculation.
In August 2019 Op Hexagon was established by Greater Manchester Police, as the policing response to work already on-going between Greater Manchester Police and Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, and has acted as the joint Gold Group for both police and council activity. This related to allegations that had been made on social media, concerning a range of issues involving named individuals.
Those initial allegations did involve concerns of child welfare and safeguarding, but also a number of other allegations of criminal activities. Due to this, GMP therefore broadened the scope of the investigation to include any and all allegations of criminality."
As can be seen, ACC NICK BAILEY confirms that contrary to what was originally believed, OPERATION HEXAGON was established in August 2019 as a joint operation between GMP and Oldham Council and predates the grooming gang inquiries in Oldham. Its purpose is to investigate (with their partners at Oldham Council), 'any and all allegations of criminality'. Now why would Greater Manchester Police need to set up a special operation in partnership with Oldham Council to investigate 'any and all actions of criminality'? Surely, GMP do this as part of their day to day activities?
Do you want to know the real reason why OPERATION HEXAGON, a joint GMP and Oldham Council Gold Response operation was launched? What if I shared with you that the purpose of OPERATION HEXAGON was to shut me down and silence the growing concerns amongst the people of Oldham to the now confirmed cover up, involving both GMP and Oldham Council, of the grooming and gang rape of the town's children?
Even though Greater Manchester Police have confirmed I was arrested as part of OPERATION HEXAGON, they are refusing to share the Terms of Reference to this operation or provide me with a named contact. Oldham Council are refusing to release data they hold on me, including minutes of meetings, which would expose the Council & GMP use of Operation Hexagon to unlawfully attempt to criminalise me.
Please join me in calling on all opposition parties in Oldham to demand ANDY BURNHAM launch an urgent investigation into OPERATION HEXAGON. This unlawful joint GMP and Oldham Council investigation was set up to intimidate, censor and criminalise members of the public who refused to remain silent as the Council and Police continued to cover up the ongoing grooming and gang rape of our town's children.
In addition to politically persecuting me, I believe that OPERATION HEXAGON will have a file on anyone that has liked, commented or shared my posts or in any way spoken out against what is taking place in Oldham. Such flagrant abuse of power is abhorrent and has no place in a functioning democracy. All those involved in OPERATION HEXAGON should face the full weight of the law.
Please sign and share the petition. GMP and Oldham Council are not above the law.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any of Them.
For the last 3 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.