Chadderton Goes Coconut Shy

Chadderton Goes Coconut Shy

Despite being on record claiming she and her Labour Party controlled Council have 'a zero tolerance approach to hate crime in Oldham and we are committed as a borough to tackling it head on', Oldham Council leader AMANDA CHADDERTON has failed to condemn the latest actions of her Deputy Mayor ZAHID CHAUHAN.

Dr ZAHID CHAUHAN, who originally drew criticism after he first declared his Deputy Mayor role in Mirpur rather than in Oldham, has now been forced to apologise after it emerged that he 'LIKED' a Twitter post that referred to SAJID JAVID MP as a 'COCONUT'.

Oldham deputy mayor apologises for liking ‘deeply offensive’ tweet
The deputy mayor of Oldham has apologised for ‘liking’ a tweet containing a racially charged term.

This was not the first time that the previous Home Secretary faced such racist abuse, nor do I believe that any politician, particularly one that claims to be stand against racial division, would be unfamiliar with such a prejudiced term or how it has been used to attack SAJID JAVID.

Diane Abbott blasts online trolls after ‘vile’ racist abuse of Sajid Javid
Labour MPs have leapt to the defence of Sajid Javid, after the new Conservative Home Secretary was targeted for “unacceptable” online abu…

According to the GP and senior politician, liking a post is not an endorsement but rather an acknowledgment of having seen a post! The term 'COCONUT' is a deeply RACIST term to people from ethnic minority backgrounds that work hard to integrate into mainstream society and is code for labelling them as 'RACE TRAITORS'. People have even been convicted for using it.

Priti Patel hits out at BBC comedian’s ‘fancy a curry’ tweet
Comedian Guz Khan, posted a photo of Ms Patel pulling a face with the message: ‘Shall we have a curry for dinner tonight Priti?’

Less understood perhaps is how it is also deeply offensive to WHITE people. The implication being that 'White' or Western culture is inferior, considered 'dirty' and mixing with it is shameful. This derogatory belief system is exactly how many members of the Pakistani Rape Gangs rationalised their rape of little White girls.

Rochdale grooming gang ringleader gets prison ‘equality’ role
Shabir Ahmed was handed the role in a move branded an ‘insult’ to his victims despite having attempted to blame his crimes on Western society for allowing young girls to ‘parade on the streets’.

I'm not at all surprised at AMANDA CHADDERTON's abject failure to demonstrate any form of leadership on this matter. Those of us familiar with the politics of Oldham know all to well who is really in charge of the town and the importance of the Muslim block vote. Unfortunately for them, as demonstrated by a record number of Independent candidates lining up for May's all out elections, we the people of the town will no longer sit silently.  

Look out for the crowdfunder over the weekend. We'll see what the people of the town care more for. The cover up of gang rape of children and silence to anti White racism or handing out a £1 million grant to a millionaire.

Raja Miah MBE

Prospective Independent Parliamentary Candidate

Oldham West & Royton


For the last 4 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee or subscribing to the website.