Dispatches from the Frontline | Episode 4 | Safeguarding Survivors or Just Another Bare Faced Liar

Nationally humiliated as a Sieg Heiling Nazi cosplaying clown, it seems that Shaw councillor MARC HINCE took to social media last night attempting to threaten me. Hiding behind the Facebook account of his fake political party, the red nosed buffoon decided to pretend to be someone else. Clearly unhappy with how his deceit had been exposed, HINCE claimed that he and his new Labour Party best buddies would vote for a motion calling for a Public Inquiry into the closure of Collective Spirit School. All I have to say to that Councillor is bring it on. I welcome a Public Inquiry that will expose the dodgy land deals involving senior Labour Party politicians and how Oldham Council leaders worked with Islamists to sabotage the school.
I don't know how many Bacardi and Cokes Cllr MINCE had consumed when he made his latest threat last night. What I do know is that, just as SHAH, McMAHON, GHAFOOR and IRISH IMY found out, threatening me will not stop me from holding elected officials to account. I welcome HINCE presenting a motion at a full Council meeting that seeks to target me for daring object to the gang rape of little children. Who knows, perhaps he won't be swaying whilst trying to stand and not slur his pre written speech he presents at the meeting.
More than just genuinely feeling sorry for the people of Shaw who were duped into electing this man, I hazard to guess how much more destruction HINCE will cause to the lives of people across the borough. Not since the presence of SEAN FIELDING have I seen such an imbecile in the Council chamber.
The video analysis clearly demonstrating how Shaw politician Cllr MARC HINCE led the Labour Party assault blocking the opposition motion attempting to make sure any further inquiry into CSE is independent of the Council can be viewed below. You just need to sign up. Subscription to view the dispatch is completely free.
All I ask is that if you can afford to do so, please take out the 75p a week subscription. Barely anything to you, it means everything to me.
I'll leave you with a question. Why would a team of called independent councillors from Failsworth and Shaw want to restrict the terms and conditions of an investigation into the gang rape of Oldham children?
Raja 🙏