Dispatches From The Frontline | Episode 5 | Another CSE Shambles Exposed

Whilst leading their Labour Party colleagues in attempting to sabotage any chance of a Public Inquiry holding to account politicians and public officials involved in the cover up of the gang rape of little girls, both the Nazi cosplay clown Cllr MARC HINCE and the convicted fraudster Cllr BRIAN HOBIN claimed they were acting in the interests of survivors that had helped develop their motion for a Public Inquiry.
In an attempt to distance herself from the motion, AROOJ SHAH then stood and claimed she had nothing to do with the motion and doubled down on the supposed involvement of survivors. A Freedom of Information request later confirmed this to be untrue. The motion had actually been submitted by her own senior political advisor.
Now why would Cllrs HINCE, HOBIN. HINDLE and NAVESEY want to limit the scope of an inquiry into Child Sex Exploitation in Oldham? And why would SHAH want to claim she had nothing to do with the writing of it when her own paid political advisor was exposed for submitting it? And the question we all want answering - why would you want to exclude politicians and public officials from being investigated? Did someone say samosa?
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Raja 🙏