Dispatches from the Frontline | Episode VII | Cartel Control or Sectarian Surrender - Take 2

Dispatches from the Frontline | Episode VII | Cartel Control or Sectarian Surrender - Take 2

Dispatches from the Frontline | Episode VII | Cartel Control or Sectarian Surrender will be exclusively livestreamed to all Recusant Tier subscribers this evening. Subscribe or upgrade your membership to join me live.

Once recorded, it will be edited and shared for free over the weekend. I'm committed to sharing all nine of the first series of dispatches freely. People can then make an informed decision whether I'm worth supporting.

I will be at the Royton Cafe & Grill between 11am and 2pm for anyone that needs any help signing in or wants a coffee. By all means. also drop me a message if you are struggling to sign in to Red Wall and the Rabble.

I'll email the link out c8pm.

Raja 🙏