End The Unholy Alliance | Election Vow #001

This is the first of my election vows. Once MP for Oldham West & Royton, I will end the unholy alliance between AROOJ SHAH's Oldham Council, ANDY BURNHAM's Greater Manchester Police and the criminal cartels in Oldham's Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities. This is the real reason why SHABIR AHMED and his Rape Gang were protected. This is why criminals aligned with the Cartels continue to be protected to this day.
This cancer must be purged. Not only does it cause fear and resentment amongst Oldham's wider communities, it is detrimental to decent law abiding Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in Oldham. They, above all, know the truth of what I now share and the significance of my first vow in our quest to defeat McMAHON's Labour Party tyranny and take back Oldham.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
It is time we expose the harsh reality of why the rape gangs were protected in Oldham. Today I stand outside the criminal Oldham headquarters of Greater Manchester Police Force as a candidate in the forthcoming general election for Oldham West and Royton.
My first pledge to you is simple. With your vote, we will put an end to the unholy alliance between Arooj Shah's Oldham Council, Andy Burnham's Greater Manchester Police and the criminal cartels in Oldham's Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities.