Disturbing story by Sky News regarding a very recent victim of a grooming gang in HYDE. Yet again, Greater Manchester Police and the Labour Party controlled Council are at the epicentre. Yet again, not a single local councillor will speak out. Yet again, CHARLOTTE GREEN and her colleagues in the local mainstream media are nowhere to be seen.

Greater Manchester Police accused of failing 14-year-old child sexual abuse victim
Scarlett, now 18, from Greater Manchester, has waived her anonymity as a sexual abuse victim in the hope of helping others in her position.

Whilst neither the article nor video makes any reference to the ethnicity of Scarlett's abusers, I know that Cllr LIAM BILLINGTON was contacted by senior police officers at GMP and threatened for asking questions in a Council meeting regarding CSE in Tameside. This is a tweet I posted on the 10th January 2023.

The local Labour Party MP JONATHAN REYNOLDS has also repeatedly REFUSED to meet with me even though I am one of his constituents. I'd wanted to meet with him regarding the abuse and harassment I had been receiving from his Labour Party colleagues JIM McMAHON and DEBBIE ABRAHAMS after I'd exposed the cover up of the Pakistani Rape Gangs in Oldham.

Just as in Rochdale, Manchester and Oldham, the pattern in Tameside appears the same. Why would this be?

If I was the parent of a White Working Class girl in a town in Tameside, especially in an area such as Hyde, I'd be demanding a meeting with JONATHAN REYNOLDS and asking questions of Tameside Council's Chief Executive SANDRA STEWART.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.


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Even When The Truth Comes Out, Why Is There Still Something Left To Doubt