Exposed : Hince and Hobin's CSE Motion was really written by Labour

Exposed : Hince and Hobin's CSE Motion was really written by Labour

Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH's Shaw stooge and fake independent Cllr MARC HINCE would have people believe that both he and the convicted fraudster Cllr BRIAN HOBIN from Failsworth have entered a pact with Labour in exchange for securing support for a Public Inquiry into the gang rape of little White girls in Oldham. If this was true then why did they vote against Cllr LEWIS QUIGG and SAM AL-HAMDANI's motion calling for a Public Inquiry that would also have held to account politicians, police officers and Council policy officers involved in the cover up?

Episode 4 of Dispatches from the Frontline is scheduled for release this weekend. It will first be broadcast live via the members only page on YouTube and then sent out via Red Wall and the Rabble. I'll leave it to you to decide who is telling the truth and who is nothing more than a bare faced liar.

This is the link to join the YouTube channel if you want to watch the dispatches live. I'm afraid it will cost you 99p a month until I can afford the £650 more to upgrade my Vimeo subscription to be able to livestream. I'm sure you appreciate that each time I've shared a private link to a live broadcast via YouTube that it has been shared with people who refuse to support me with even 75p a week.

Recusant Nine
With racism weaponised and the working classes betrayed, a network of corrupt politicians now control vast territories across the country. Supported by associates in the mainstream media and aided by criminal Asian Cartels, these politicians rule in a manner identical to despots from children’s storybooks. With democracy on the verge of collapse, and their tyrannical rule all but absolute, even the grooming and gang rape of the nation’s children is sanctioned. Yet despite their power, a handful few still refuse to fear them. They name themselves Recusants. Using skills honed from advising government and a career in counter-extremism, RAJA MIAH MBE, uses the Recusant Nine platform to evidence and articulate historical injustices endured by working-class communities. Despite repeated threats on his life by gangsters affiliated with senior MPs, Raja broadcasts a weekly Sunday night transmission to those brave enough to oppose the tyrants. Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any of Them.

Oh, for those that query my references. Here is a national newspaper article running the story of Cllr MARC HINCE confirming outrage at his NAZI salute in a Council meeting.

Councillor blasted for using Nazi slogan during official meeting
Cllr Marc Hince from Oldham, Greater Manchester is alleged to have used the phrase ‘Sieg Heil’ during a meeting of Shaw and Compton Parish Council on May 21.

Here also is the story of Cllr BRIAN HOBIN conviction.

Insurance rep’s gambling debts spiralled out of control
AN insurance salesman gambled away cash he collected from policy holders, a judge at Bolton Crown Court was told.

In the lead up to the local elections, both HINCE & HOBIN had given cast iron assurances that they would not enter into any pact with AROOJ SHAH that would keep Labour in power. Here is Cllr MINCE's email to me confirming his position before May's local elections.

Given both their pasts, no one should be surprised that HINCE and HOBIN quickly backtracked on their pre election pledges. Worse for them, an FOI request from the Conservatives has exposed that even their damage limitation motion for a Public Inquiry was crafted by a member of AROOJ SHAH's inner circle. Which is perhaps why the wording attempted to exclude Labour Party politicians from the scope of any Public Inquiry.

You'll have to decide for yourselves whether the lucrative positions they subsequently secured under SHAH's leadership had anything to do with their change of heart. Hopefully see you all on Sunday evening.

Raja 🙏

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Take care and see you all soon.
Raja 🙏