Face the Enemy With Whatever We Have

I’m repeatedly asked if I am really standing for MP. I am. The only matter is whether as an Independent or through a political party. I won’t stand for any of the opposition mainstream parties. Nor will I allow the people of our town to be exploited by the likes of Reform. All want to exploit us for their benefit. They won’t do that through me.
If we were to set up a new political party, I’m thinking the Anti Cartel, Anti Rape Gang, People’s Alliance of Oldham. Or maybe just The People's Alliance of Oldham. Either way, there will be no doubt the tyranny of we stand against and what we are fighting for. I've never been a politician nor ever have I wanted to be one. Though I admire the local independents, I have nothing in common with any of the politicians from the mainstream parties. I despise their duplicity and greed. Speaking of which, I've been very clear with all of my family and friends that 51% of any salary I earn as MP will be donated back to local charities.
Oldham West & Royton is a Labour Party stronghold. At the last general election in December 2019, despite the Conservatives making gains in the Red Wall, JAMES IGNATIOUS O'ROUKE McMAHON got a massive 24,579 votes. He secured 55% of the vote from a 61% turnout. McMAHON's massive majority was predictably underpinned by the Muslim block postal vote.
For us to compete, we need to campaign in a way this town has never seen and forge a cross community anti Cartel alliance that exposes McMahon and his Labour Party mafia for what they really are. It won't be easy. As well as a massive majority, they have the press and the police on their side. I fully expect to be imprisoned in the lead up to the election and detained on imaginary charges, or even without charge, just as Greater Manchester Police attempted in the lead up to this May's local elections. The Oldham Times and Manchester Evening News will also be mobilised to spin lies about me. It will make no difference. Whatever they do will not be enough to stop us. We, the people of Oldham, will fight to hold those that sold our children to account and take back our town from McMAHON and his minions at the next general election.
I know they're worried. I've already started getting the phone calls. Have you thought about your family? You're only going to embarrass yourself? You'll be lucky if you get 1,500 votes. The Bangladeshis won't vote for you. The Pakistanis won't vote for you. The Muslims hate you. The White people are racist and don't really like you. All this and more I've already been told. I'll save these people their sudden interest in my well being and the trouble they're taking to look out for me. This is my town. Unlike McMahon, I was raised here. When I die, I will be buried here. I know my townsfolk. I know that people from across every community will vote for me. Like me, they want to end McMAHON's despotic rule over the town. Like me, they know there is no coming back for any of us should we fail.
I'm aiming for 15,000+ votes. I think 17,500 votes will win it. By now, even those that despise me must also accept I'm not here to play games. We will raise our banners in defiance across all 9 wards of Oldham West & Royton. Yes, 9 wards - funny that isn't it? Building a cross community anti Cartel alliance, we will face tyranny and force a reckoning of the kind never seen before in this town. Be in no doubt, together, we the people of Oldham West & Royton, are taking our town back.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West & Royton
For the last 5 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.