Finding Malice in Mangos

Finding Malice in Mangos

Fresh from once again blocking an inquiry into the cover up of the grooming gangs, the leader of Oldham Council has written an email complaining to every councillor in #Oldham. Instead of apologising for Chadderton Central Labour councillor NAZRUL ISLAM using a racial slur towards White people, AROOJ SHAH is claiming she is the victim of racism.

SHAH claims opposition councillors of peddling 'conspiracy theories' which result in racist abuse directed towards her. Apparently opposition councillors daring table motions calling for a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the gang rape of the town's children (one such conspiracy theory) has resulted in her suffering racist abuse.

Questioning her confirmed criminal associations and continuing to ask Greater Manchester Police why no one has been charged after video evidence leaked showed the suspicious circumstances in how SHAH's unlocked car was blown up 3 years ago is another subject SHAH appears to suggest as responsible for directing abuse towards her.

This is the email Shah sent out.

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