From Cyril Smith to Rod Blyth. What do Sykes, Al-Hamdani, Kenyon and Oldham Council have to hide?

People should not be surprised that the Malicious Blogger's latest poster boy, Lib Dem Cllr MARK KENYON, used the Council chamber to raise objections about me charging for access to my work. I can only assume his focus on me is because the Lib Dems do not want an investigation into their 20 year plus former Lib Dem councillor colleague ROD BLYTH.
Until I named HOWARD SYKES fellow Lib Dem Shaw councillor a convicted child sex offender, both politicians and council officers had successfully worked together with the mainstream media and GMP to hide news of Cllr ROD BLYTH's multiple child abuse convictions. There is no ambiguity here. This is a cover up.
This cover up goes beyond KENYON's Lib Dems. BLYTH's arrest and conviction took place during AMANDA CHADDERTON's Labour Party control of Oldham Council. The then leader, SEAN FIELDING would have known. The then Council Chief Executive CAROLYN WILKINS and current Borough Solicitor, PAUL BENTWISTLE, MUST also have been informed via GMP statutory duties to inform employers of such convictions.
Working this through, I think there would have also been a briefing involving the leaders of all 3 parties to hush this up. As for JENNIFER WILLIAMS (then investigations lead at the MEN) local democracy reporter CHARLOTTE GREEN and their South Manchester newspaper friends, no surprise really how the bought and paid for local press were convinced to help hide the story of a senior councillor convicted for child sexual exploitation offences. They reported on this only after the conviction had been exposed via a Recusant Nine transmission. And even then, the Council funded press were keen to protect the Council with its headline.

I understand all too well why Cllr MARK KENYON has seemingly allied himself and his Party with a proven liar and witness of low credibility such as Mr Malicious.

After all, if the people of Oldham were to force an investigation into ROD BLYTH's access to children whilst he was a councillor, just where would the sweet wrappers lead? Especially as ROD BLYTH, a close friend of HOWARD SYKES, is also connected to another close friend of the Lib Dem leader - a certain CYRIL SMITH!
"I regard Cyril as one of my friends. He was a stalwart, not always popular and I did not always agree with everything he said. He would probably think more of me for that rather than less. He made a massive contribution not just in politics but in his charitable work and his civic life in Rochdale. I think he will be missed. There will never be anyone else like that." - Lib Dem Leader Howard Sykes

To this day, HOWARD SYKES, SAM AL-HAMDANI, Mr & Mrs GLOSTER and every other Lib Dem councillor all refuse to;- condemn their child sex offender colleague- confirm when they 'personally' knew that BLYTH had been convicted of multiple CSE offences- explain how this information was hidden from the public- support calls for an investigation into how many children BLYTH had access to whilst he was an Oldham councillor. As I say, I'm not at all surprised that Lib Dem councillor MARK KENYON has decided to target me instead of supporting calls for an investigation into one of his own.
Meanwhile, Oldham Council believe it is not in the public interest to disclose when and where ROD BLYTH had access to children!

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
For the last 3 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.