Governed from Glodwick

I have been made aware of threats of violence against me on JIM McMAHON's Facebook page. These threats have been encouraged by the MP, who has once again named me for alleged safeguarding failures with children. This is a complete lie by KEIR STARMER's Shadow Minister. Unlike the MP, who is neck deep in the cover up of the gang rape of children in Oldham, I have a flawless 25 year track record of working with children and young people. Likewise, despite his campaign to incriminate me in any unlawful actions in schools that he helped destabilise and close, NOT A SINGLE ONE of McMahon's malicious and repeated allegations of 'financial mismanagement' against me have been found to be accurate. This is despite multiple investigations against me including McMAHON pressuring investigation by the National Crime Agency.

McMAHAN has been tag teamed in his malicious allegations by his ally, the convicted heroin dealer and getaway driver of the Oldham cop killer, IRISH IMY. Having previously been reported as supported by McMAHON in his parole application (which later led in his recall to prison), IRISH IMY was as recently as the morning of Friday 5th May 2023 convicted for breach of a restraining order. This did not stop IRISH IMY from attending the Civic Centre for the election count as a representative of the Labour Party where he can be seen fist punching his celebration stood behind the once again Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH.

If there was any doubt of AROOJ SHAH's relationship with this dangerous criminal, SHAH then continued her celebrations at a mocktail bar that she was a previous director of. This is the same venue where she was previously exposed for failing to declare her interest and then backdating her resignation once her directorship was exposed.

Emboldened by the protection offered to him by his political connections, and despite his conviction only days earlier, IRISH IMY clearly makes reference to me as a 'nonce'.

As can clearly be seen, IRISH IMY makes this allegation in a post where he is pictured alongside the new Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH and her convicted money laundering brother ARSLAN SHAH at the mocktail bar. Rebranded as Mocktail 24, this business was previously the location of Gelato's Ice Lounge where AROOJ SHAH backdated her resignation at Companies House.

Notice how the backdated declaration with Companies House (filed 01/02/2018 for a resignation on 01/02/2018) does not correlate with SHAH's update of her Members Declaration of Interest with Oldham Council where on 30/4/19 she claimed she was a Director.

This yoyo declaration came about after AROOJ SHAH, who is now once again Oldham Council leader (this time from the Pakistani stronghold of St Mary's ward after being ousted the previous year from Chadderton South), failed to declare she was the owner of an ice cream parlour whilst also working for JIM McMAHON MP and Deputy Leader of Oldham Council.
Gelatos was eventually dissolved on the 4th January 2022. Mocktails 24 Ltd, which operates from the same location, was registered on 18th August 2021. It's single director is now another Shah - SHAZIA SHAH. It is from here that IRISH IMY makes his allegations. Sat next to him is AROOJ SHAH and her convicted money launderer brother.
This allegation that I am a child sex offender has been repeated by the Coldhurst Muslim cleric MOHAMMAD RAZAK.

As well as sharing threats of violence against me on his Facebook page, the 'hafiz' (an honorific given to someone who can recite the Quran from memory) has posted threats on Facebook including on McMAHON's page. The likes of MOHAMMAD RAZAK are one of McMAHAN’s fanatical followers. Here is his response to what the Shadow Minister had to say. Note his reference to how I need ‘sorting’ because I have ‘enraged a lot of people’. At the time of writing this article, JIM McMAHON had been made aware of the threat and still failed to take down the post. Remember, this is KEIR STARMER's Shadow Minister.

The so called Muslim Cleric, MOHAMMAD RAZAK, who is also an employee of SERCO, has also taken it onto himself to lobby candidates in May's elections against me because of my position that Oldham Central Mosque should not be used to pray for the Labour Party nor be used to harvest postal votes. I have also enraged RAZAK and his homophobic associates because of my commitment to equality and human rights. MOHAMMAD RAZAK is sharing the response he claims to have got back as to what action should be taken against me. VIOLENCE!

If there was any doubt as to what these people's intentions are, another of their associates, a certain Coldhurst want to be gangster, SHAFIQ ISLAM posted 'he (Raja) needs to worry about consequences and he might not live to see the day he becomes an MP in Oldham'.

It is my position that this campaign to incite my murder is orchestrated by senior Labour Party figures in Oldham as a consequence of my lawful and successful campaigning to hold responsible politicians and policy officers that have helped cover up the grooming and gang rape of my town's children. Once again, Greater Manchester Police are fully aware of what is taking place. Once again, as with the case of who really blew up AROOJ SHAH's car, the police are failing to act. Guess why?
Unfortunately, the evidence is now overwhelming, Greater Manchester Police has been politically compromised and politicians with declared relationships with dangerous gangsters are free to incite the murder of human rights campaigners such as myself. I hold ANDY BURNHAM, the Police & Crime Commissioner, responsible should any harm come to me or members of my family as a consequence of GMP's failure to intervene and safeguard a man standing for election as MP.
McMAHON, SHAH and their Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Muslim gangster associates will not stop me. I will run against JIM McMAHON as MP for Oldham West & Royton in next year's General Election. If I am killed because of my refusal to remain silent to the gang rape of my town's children, then so be it.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Independent Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West & Royton
For the last 4 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.