How Many Children? How Many Lies?

How Many Children? How Many Lies?

10 men have been charged by Greater Manchester Police as part of Operation Lytton. The offences these men have been charged with date back 20 years to 2003. The operation was launched after conviction of SHABIR AHMED and investigates cases predating his crimes. AHMED was a Labour Party member, a Director of the Citizens Advice Bureau and Oldham Council employee where he had access to children via his base at the Pakistani Community Centre.

Ten men charged in Rochdale grooming investigation
The men, from Rochdale, are accused of sexually abusing two teenage girls from 2003 to 2008.

In a news article from 2020, Operation Lytton was reported as one of c50 child sexual exploitation cases under investigation across Greater Manchester. At that time, 271 victims and 300 suspects had been identified. These numbers are likely to have increased since then.

Arrests made in another sex grooming investigation in Rochdale
A number of suspects have been arrested and interviewed concerning allegations made by a number of women in the town between 2002 and 2004

The operation has led to arrests beyond Rochdale and includes Oldham. Both charges and convictions involve not only the rape of young White girls but also the trafficking of these children to other towns and cities where more men raped them. This was a sophisticated network involving thousands of men.

Two Oldham men charged in connection with CSE investigation
Two Oldham men are amongst those accused of a total of more than 100 offences in connection with an investigation into child sexual exploitation…

It is now high time GM Mayor, ANDY BURNHAM, in his capacity as Police & Crime Commissioner, provided an update on Operation Lytton. Update should include a demographic profile of every suspect & conviction, as well as details of every town and city where these children were trafficked.

Surely new investigations now must also be opened in these new locations and EVERY individual that raped a child through this network is hunted down and prosecuted? Additionally, I think more than just myself would find it interesting to explore any correlations between these locations, postal voting figures, and the Labour Party.

The story here isn't just that 10 men from Rochdale have been charged n connection with an investigation into child sexual exploitation. Nor is it that their names suggest a specific demographic or that it adds credence to the Home Secretary's recent statement. Have a look closer and you will see this regarding the allegation against one of the men - Amjad Mahmood.

'...he has also been charged with two counts of trafficking people within the UK for sexual exploitation'.

So where did he traffic the girls to? Would neighbouring Oldham have been on the list? Where else? Just as these types of people were exchanging children, it is my position that so too were these men exchanging postal votes that helped win elections. Which is why I believe they were protected.

As well as the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of Working Class White girls a consequences of the prejudices by the White middle classes against the White working class, the fear of being labelled racist and the willingness to trade little White girls for maintaining community relations - whatever that means, of greater significance is that these crimes were allowed to take place in plain sight because of the political weight these men and their communities carried. I am certain in my belief that these crimes were ignored to keep WHITE Labour Party politicians in power.

Now, tell me again why the likes of ANDY BURNHAM, JIM McMAHON, DEBBIE ABRAHAMS and AROOJ SHAH have all failed to support calls for a Public Inquiry into these horrific crimes? Someone say samosa?

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.

Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Independent Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West & Royton

For the last 5 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.