Labour Councillor Claims GMP Deployed to Censor Oldham Conservative Opposition

Labour Councillor Claims GMP Deployed to Censor Oldham Conservative Opposition

At last week's Oldham Council meeting, Cllr HOLLY HARRISON stood up and claimed that Gtr Manchester Police had attempted to force Cllr LEWIS QUIGG into removing details of how Oldham Council and GMP had deployed a militia onto the streets of the town.

You may recall that this 'community ambassador' scheme was defended by senior Council Officer SHELLY KIPLING who has already been exposed for attempting to censor Cllr QUIGG's concerns of how the convicted heroin dealing getaway driver of the cop killer #DaleCregan had been deployed onto the streets of #Oldham.

Well now we have the chair of the Standards Committee openly claiming that ANDY BURNHAM's controlled #GMP is involved in warning an elected representative and attempting to silence him from raising legitimate concerns.

One of the very few opposition politicians to dare question Shah's gangster endorsed council, Cllr QUIGG has previously raised concerns of how Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH had attempted to unlawfully obtain CCTV footage of him meeting with a #CSE whistleblower. He also shared a chilling story of how a gang of Pakistani men parked their car outside his home and left a calling card of chicken shop left overs. If you know how these gangsters operate, you will know that this was a we know where you live visit.

GMP surely must now issue a statement confirming if Clrr HARRISON's claims are true. If so, there is no question, this is what a Police State looks like. Support me or surrender the place you call home.


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Raja 🙏