McMahon at risk, as a million more see what Burnham's Expert Team appear to have missed

Overnight, via YouTube and Twitter, over 500,000 people have seen the damning email exposing JIM McMAHON, whilst Council leader, in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of the town's children. By Sunday night, the email and accompanying video of the townsfolk shouting 'paedophile protector' at Oldham Council leader AMANDA CHADDERTON and her Labour Party colleagues, will have been viewed by over 1 million people.
🚨|BREAKING: The Labour council in Oldham has voted down an emergency motion for a Government Inquiry into child sexual exploitation.
— News Hub UK ➐ (@NewsHubUK) July 14, 2022
In the email, McMAHON is referenced as claiming he and his Council had 'limited knowledge' of grooming gangs operating out of shisha bars in Oldham. The Assurance Review, whilst clearly attempting to protect the Labour Party Shadow Minister, confirms this was not the case. Both Oldham Council & GMP's knowledge of what was going on was not at all 'limited'. Here are just a few examples from the Assurance Review.

Buried in the Assurance Review is even a report from a police officer of how he witnessed a child being dragged into one of these venues, in broad daylight, by a member of the Rape Gangs. No action was taken!

They also knew that children were being lured to shisha bars where they were being piled with drugs and alcohol before being gang raped in rooms available for rent by the hour.

The Assurance Review even confirms how McMAHON's team at Oldham Council celebrated killing the story. Senior Communication Officer A was CARL MARSDEN. He has since moved to take on a role at Oldham College. His wife is DAWN MARSDEN. At the time she worked at the Oldham Chronicle as their Chief Reporter. When she lost her job there after the newspaper went bankrupt following printing false allegations against Kaiser Rehman, she became PA for JIM McMAHON when he became MP! She now works for Angela Raynor.

In case there was any doubt. Here is more. This time you can see how McMAHON is directly implicated. He is Leader A. As can be seen, they are celebrating again.

Remember it isn't a cover up. These are all just coincidences or events that McMAHON's Council repeatedly easily explain away to the not at all gullible experts MALCOLM NEWSAN & GARY RIDGWAY. They even believe that McMAHON and the BBC journalist do not have a 'personal relationship'. This is despite the reference to 'the trust between us' as the last words in the leaked email from FITZPATRIK to McMAHON.
Speaking of which, why exactly did NEWSAM & RIDGWAY not publish this email? Probably the same reason they hid and decided not to publish details of a single one of the 10 other case studies they used to confirm there was no cover up. Just as they REFUSE to confirm exactly how many children they found evidence of being groomed and gang raped.
And you wonder why people want an Independent Inquiry!
Here is the link to what I originally released nearly 3 years ago that exposed what was happening in Oldham. My life has been a daily nightmare since I dared share, speak out and help make sense of what has been taking place in our town. They called me a liar and a racist. They claimed I had fabricated the evidence and that I would go to prison and anyone sharing my work would be prosecuted.

If what is taking place in Oldham is exposed the way it should be, then not only are the careers of 3 Labour Party MPs finished (ANGELA RAYNOR is also involved alongside JIM McMAHON and DEBBIE ABRAHAMS), GM Mayor ANDY BURNHAM's plans of becoming Prime Minister are damaged beyond repair.
BURNHAM is incriminated because of his statements in the media in reference to the so called Assurance Review he commissioned. His Review led by so called experts MALCOLM NEWSAM & GARY RIDGWAY have been exposed for blocking victims from giving testimonies. Only one victim managed to share her harrowing experiences of what was done to her and how the Council and Police failed her. And that was only possible because of the direct intervention of MAGGIE OLIVER.
The Greater Manchester Mayor, and would be Labour Party leader is on record claiming his Review team had been working with victims. This has been exposed as simply not true. The Council had been working to prevent victims from testifying whilst GMP have threatened victim(s) that spoke out. Victims have accused BURNHAM of being a liar. Others are on record stating that his report 'is not worth the paper it's written on'.
Unlike similar CSE scandals in other towns, in Oldham the situation is different. Senior politicians, council officers and police officers from an 'In Accelerated Special Measures' proven paedophile protecting Greater Manchester Police force have been exposed for their roles in what has taken place. Finally, those responsible for failing our children and then covering up what they have done risk being held to account. If so, Oldham will be the watershed moment in the scandal of the nation's Grooming Gang cover up.
We are now on the verge of bringing down McMAHON's house of samosas and exposing the real reason why generations of our town's children were left to be systematically groomed and gang raped. The email is now out. It's taken us 3 years. Oldham Council's friends inside Greater Manchester Police and the mainstream media have failed in their attempt to cover up what has been taking place in our town.
Without a shadow of a doubt, those that led the town in 2013 protected paedophiles. And as demonstrated at Wednesday night's Council meeting, those that lead the town now, remain exactly the same. No lessons have been learned. Our children are still being exchanged for votes.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
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