Oldham CSE cover up turns to Bodybags, and a trainee reporter from the paedophile protecting local rag

Oldhamers will be rightly disgusted by the latest attempts by AROOJ SHAH's LABOUR PARTY to exploit the grooming and gang rape of the town's children for political benefit. Having first claimed 'bare faced lies' and then repeatedly blocked attempts to call in the government to launch an independent investigation, the LABOUR PARTY has now mobilised the GM Mayor ANDY BURNHAM into aiding them in playing games with the safety of our town's children.

The obvious question is why has the Labour Party Mayor ANDY BURNHAM issued this statement less than 72hrs before polling stations open? Especially after he has broken every single one of his previous promises on the release date of this CSE report. In a long itinerary of shameful actions, today's statement, even for the Labour Party, is a new low. Read the small print and you will see that there is NO guarantee that this report will be published in 8 weeks. So why the statement? Could it be that the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of the town's children is a vote loser? Else why release something that could have waited until after the election on Friday morning?

Also of no surprise is that the grooming gang protecting OLDHAM TIMES has once again used their trainee reporter JACK TOOTH to write such a public interest story. This is the same reporter that maliciously claimed I was arrested as part of a CSE investigation in a desperate attempt to smear me after I released video footage of how AROOJ SHAH’s car was really blown up. The trainee reporter’s claim that the CSE report will be published in 8 weeks is just complete fabrication. Especially as this is what BURNHAM is quoted as saying.
“I await the final report before the end of June and will make arrange with you to publish it as soon after that as is practically possible.”

The practical steps still necessary for RIDGEWAY & NEWSAN to complete before they are able to publish their findings include the following;
- speak to yet another police officer (readers will recall that the most senior Oldham police officer from GMP in charge at the time has up to now not even been interviewed!)
- make available the report for scrutiny by Greater Manchester Police, Oldham Council and legal representatives from other unnamed individuals for a so called 'factual accuracy check'
- counsel to complete a final legal scrutiny
Furthermore, I can confirm that the original whistleblower, HUGHIE MACDONALD, has refused to sign off his interview as the transcripts still do not accurately reflect his testimony.

Those that have followed these two cover up merchants will recall how very early in to this doomed 'assurance review' I revealed that I had refused to submit for an interview after becoming aware that RIDGWAY & NEWSAM's team were only taking 'notes' of witnesses testimonies. Ask yourself, why would a team investigating allegations of politicians involved in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children refuse to use a recording device when interviewing witnesses? Not surprisingly, both RIDGWAY & NEWSAM are considered by an increasing number of Oldhamers as nothing more than just another two of the Labour Party's paedophile protecting political accomplishes.
Oldhamers are right to also question why Oldham Council's paedophile protector partners at the OLDHAM TIMES are running this story after remaining completely silent when AROOJ SHAH was forced to admit and apologise for her Council's FAILURE to protect Working Class White girls from being groomed and gang raped. Where was their story then?

The political classes and their fake liberal friends in the media are making a serious mistake in treating Oldhamers as fools. Working class we may be BUT we are far from being stupid. We can see what is going on here. The Labour Party are desperate and both ANDY BURNHAM and the OLDHAM TIMES are doing everything possible to protect AROOJ SHAH at the ballot box in South Chadderton this Thursday.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any of Them.
The crowd funder to support me to continue providing this level of analysis is due to close soon. So far we have raised just under £1.915 of the £3,500 required. If I do not reach the target then the work will sadly stop.If you find value in my work then please join the 70 people that have supported it so far.