On Waving Flags

On Waving Flags

People I consider to be both dear friends and family from across all communities have been contacting me regarding the break out of war between Israel and Hamas. At first I made the mistake of thinking that I was being asked to take a side. Having reflected on the dozens of conversations I have had over the last few days, it is now clear to me what is being asked of me. It is to demonstrate leadership.

Those of you who have followed my work will know that I have criticised JIM McMAHON MP from as far back as 2019 for leading the group that campaigned for the Labour Party adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism where criticism of the state of Israel would be considered anti-Semitism. Though McMAHON has kept his role in this group quiet, especially amongst members of his Muslim block vote in Oldham, here is the link to the Guardian article from the time confirming he led this group of 38 Labour Party MPs.

At the time, I was struck by the hypocrisy of this man (reliant on and shamelessly courting the block Muslim vote) taking up such a position and spoke out against his divide and rule actions. Every Oldham Muslim I know feels passionately about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and my position then, as it remains now, is that Israel’s establishment of settlements in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, had no legal validity, constituting a flagrant violation under international law and is a major obstacle to the vision of two States living side-by-side in peace and security, within internationally recognised borders. And by the way, my position is in line with both the official UK and United Nations position on this. Now go and ask McMAHON to issue a statement on this matter as clear as mine.

A fundamental feature of a healthy and liberal Western democracy is the right to freedom of speech. Questioning the actions of the state of Israel does not automatically infer antisemitism. Indeed, this concern was shared by leading international human rights groups who also opposed adoption of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.

Rights groups urge UN not to adopt IHRA anti-Semitism definition
A letter to UN secretary-general says the definition is often used to wrongly label criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic.

So my question of JIM McMAHON MP remains the same now as previously. Why did he LEAD the Labour Party group that campaigned for this definition to be adopted? Why did he fail to consult with the tens of thousands of Muslims in Oldham when he embarked on this course? Why is he silent now when so many people are looking towards him to speak out on their behalf?

Don't believe me? A quick look on McMahon's twitter feed whilst writing this article showed an absence of any statement from the town's MP on the appalling events unfolding in Israel and Gaza. I have and will continue to criticise the actions of the state of Israel as I will of any country involved in committing atrocities. I also am very clear, HAMAS is a proscribed terrorist organisation and their actions will result in thousands of innocent people in Gaza being killed as Israel responds in kind.

I believe McMAHON's actions and his current silence is politically driven to safeguard his career. I am not like him. I am not a politician. I will share my views and I will have conversations with everyone, from all sides, who have been affected by what is taking place. My experience of fighting extremism has taught me that shutting down debate and labelling people as racists is dangerous. It results in people being drawn towards extremist groups. Former Prime Minister MARGARET THATCHER articulates the exact same sentiment when making reference to the National Front here.

And so that there is no ambiguity on my track record on anti-Semitism, those of you who have followed me, will also recall that I was arrested as a racist and charged for malicious communication for writing an article and objecting to the attacks on the Jewish owned Elbit factory in Oldham. I was alarmed at Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH and DEBBIE ABRAHAMS MP addressing people in a rally where children were waving banners calling for the eradication of Israel. Standing alongside them was an audience of predominantly Pakistani men, many of whom had supporting the attacks against the factory. Deeply troubled, I shared my concerns that the methods used to attack the Elbit factory were ant-Semitic. On the instructions of the Council leader, I was arrested as a racist and charged because I spoke out against what was taking place.

Though the case against me disappointingly collapsed in court before I was able to expose SHAH's actions and GMP's abuse of power, I would wager I am the only Muslim that the police and British legal system have attempted to prosecute for speaking out against antisemitism and the radicalisation of children.

As you can see, I have no issue taking a side. You just need to be clear on how I view the conflict to understand my position and the side I have taken.

As a child, like so many Muslims in Oldham, I was raised in a pro Palestinian home. We idolised the PLO and Yasser Arafat was a hero in the same way as Malcolm X. Contrary to what some unfamiliar with growing up in a time like I did might think (a time when the swastika was more likely seem painted on a front door than in a page of a book and experience of racism was a physical reality rather than seeking offence where none was ever intended), the primary reason for the idolisation of such people was not because they were Muslim.

Nor were my friends and I drawn towards these iconic figures because they were of an ethnic minority background or because they fought against the Jews/Christians/Insert whatever identity group you want here. In fact, who they fought against was the least of the elements of the struggle we could relate to. What resonated with us the most was what they were fighting - injustice and oppression.

These people gave us hope during a time when we experienced injustice all around us. Over time, the struggles of the American Civil Rights movement, just as the pro Palestinian movements, became our struggles also. We felt every injustice committed against them as if had been committed against us. We took inspiration from their victories and used this as fuel to help improve our lives. Which is why when the miners strike came along, instead of believing the mainstream media narrative that these working class White men and their families had somehow become our enemy, Bangladeshi restaurants across the country supported and fed the striking miners and their families. We related to these people who were on the receiving end of injustice. If anything, we related to these people more because they were right in front of us.

I can honestly say that not once did we ever consider the race or religion of either our adversaries or those in need as the motivation for our actions. It wasn't. Unfortunately, in an increasingly divided town, I am not sure I can state with any degree of certainty that this the same with what I am seeing in Oldham right now. People have picked sides. I question their reasons why. More importantly, I fear where this will lead.

My criticism is reserved for a select group of flag wavers - from both sides. Not all, but many. These people know who they are because when they look at their reflections in the mirror, they know their motives. I remember the first time someone attempted to use antisemitism as a reason to support the Palestinians. It was completely alien to my friends and I. We made our excuses and left. We were not motivated by hate against Jews. The truth was we didn't know any Jews. We had no reason to hate a group of people because of their religion and/or ethnic origin. Our fight was against oppression.

I believe that at least some of the flag waving and taking of sides is motivated by prejudice and hate. It is as if some Oldhamers are now fighting a proxy war of some form where their prejudices are being validated through events in the Middle East. This is wrong and it needs to be called out for what it is. There are racists that are drawn to the Israeli flag because it suits their prejudices. Likewise, there are antisemites that have gone and found themselves Palestinian flags.

If you believe, like I believe, that fighting will never resolve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (or indeed any conflict) then you will be appalled by the events unfolding in the Middle East and deeply uncomfortable with how an increasing number of people are taking sides motivated by their own prejudices, or worse, seeking to exploit and gain from it.

I feel the anguish of the Jewish families who have had their loved ones indiscriminately murdered or kidnapped in exactly the same way as the Palestinian father picking up the corpse of his dead daughter after an Israeli air strike. I am on the side of all victims. And I am equally disgusted by the actions of the state of Israel as I am of Hamas and every other powerful politician or political entity that is seeking to add fuel and gain from this barbarity. It sickens me.

I have been asked to clarify my position. My position is clear. I urge every Oldhamer, whatever their faith or ethnic background, to remind themselves that the people being killed (on both sides) are in the main innocent civilians. I urge people to question the motives of those that want you to take sides. I urge you to put away your flags and start supporting the aid agencies that will desperately need help. This is where we can immediately make a difference. Please help stop the conflict spilling over into our communities and focus efforts on helping get aid to those that have been affected.

As for my political position. It remains the same now as it always has. For Israel to enjoy peace and prosperity, so too must the Palestinian people have a homeland they can call their own. And for the Palestinians to have a homeland of their own, their leaders must recognise the right for Israel to exist. Unfortunately, as the spiral of events in this conflict played out over the majority of my life has repeatedly reminded me, I do not believe that Israel wants to see a viable Palestinian state emerge any more than the proscribed terrorist group Hamas will ever recognise Israel's right to exist.

One has to only scratch the surface with Hamas to be repulsed. In a different time in my life, I would be facilitating rapid response workshops in schools to help prevent Muslim children from being lured by Hamas. As part of what I would share would be the links between Hamas and Iran. I would look towards the angry young faces and ask them if they knew who NARGES MOHAMMADI was and if they knew why she had just days earlier been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Narges Mohammadi: Iranian woman jailed for rights work wins Nobel Peace prize
Narges Mohammadi is currently serving a 10-year sentence in Iran’s notorious Evin prison.

Unfortunately, in a town like mine, there is neither the political will nor the skillset to facilitate such conversations. Which is why I fear what will come next - both in the immediate term and over the next decade as new generations of young people are radicalised through an oversimplified and polarised narrative presented to them by individuals that want to exploit them. And again, so their is no avoidance of my position on this, it is criticism towards both sides.

I recall mourning the death of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Palestinian leader Yaser Arafat. On reflecting on his life, what I mourned the most was how, when a viable peace treaty was achievable, he failed to grasp the opportunity. I pray that I live to see such an opportunity come again and that the leaders of both the Israeli and Palestinian people have the courage to end this conflict.

Raja 🙏

My name is Raja Miah. Oldham is my home town. I am feared by those that control Oldham because of my integrity, my refusal to be intimidated and also my experience and knowledge. I am nothing like any politician this town has ever seen. I’m asking you to help me. When the time comes, vote for me and I will end this reign of tyranny. It is now or never. Help defeat Labour and #TakeBackOldham #JusticeIsComing

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.

Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West, Chadderton & Royton

For the last 5 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.