Is the UK Playing With Fire & Becoming a Breeding Ground for Jihadists Available for Hire?

Is the UK Playing With Fire & Becoming a Breeding Ground for Jihadists Available for Hire?

Is the UK Playing With Fire & Becoming a Breeding Ground for Jihadists Available for Hire?

On the 21st June 2021, I published a blog on my Medium page titled For The Muslim, Never Mind The Many. I wrote this article in response to the Elbit Factory protests in my home town of Oldham and the attempts by pro Palestinian campaigners to recruit local Muslims in their campaign to close down a factory that made parts as part of a Ministry of Defence contract.

For the Muslim, Never mind the Many
Arooj Shah is now in control of Oldham. For many townsfolk in a town labelled the most segregated in the United Kingdom, her decision to…

As achieved elsewhere, these activists successfully tapped into the global Ummah narrative and exploited the increasing propensity amongst UK Muslims to view the world through a lens where they were the victims of Western oppression. Their campaign to close Elbit gained traction as their well oiled message resonated equally well across the full spectrum of Oldham's Muslim communities. From devout Muslim elders to disaffected Muslim youth and even convicted heroin dealing mobsters in need of a makeover more than growing a beard or Just for Men could provide them with, all united under the banner of Free Palestine and joined the demonstration against the Elbit factory.

I watched on bemused as those that had previously taken to the streets celebrating Pakistan's acquisition of a nuclear bomb transform overnight in to CND style peace activists. Whatever next I pondered? Maybe a boom in vegan doner kebab sales? Or possibly a rise in card payment only chicken shops?

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