Recusant Nine Revamped and Returns In September

Recusant Nine Revamped and Returns In September

My work through Recusant Nine is moving to subscriber only from the beginning of September. My hope had been to secure enough paid subscribers to break even and avoid moving behind a paywall. Unfortunately, as it stands, despite record engagement figures, we cannot even get enough people to sign up for free.

Please take a look at the membership tiers above. I am acutely aware of the consequences of my actions. I understand that by going behind a paywall the likelihood is that;

  1. AROOJ SHAH and her Labour Party will strengthen their hold over Oldham and go back to doing the types of deals they have in the past without challenge or scrutiny.
  2. In the next local elections in 2026, the Labour Party will reassert their outright majority on the Council.
  3. GHAFOOR & AKHTAR's sectarian OLDHAM GROUP will grow stronger and Oldham will develop parallel services for its Muslim communities.
  4. The opposition independent councillors, with having no one in the background doing the work I have been doing, will lose their seats as more and more people will see them as ineffective in influencing the big decisions in the borough. Pointing at potholes and taking pictures of litter picks was not what got them elected.
  5. Increasing numbers, especially the White working class, will opt out of the democratic process and resent who controls the borough and how they have been dispossessed.
  6. The campaign for a Public Inquiry into CSE will lose all momentum and the proposed fake 'Telford style' investigation will be just another cover up.

Unfortunately, after six years of leading this fight, I am no longer willing to work 60 hour weeks for less than £1,000 a month in exchange for risking daily attacks and arrest whilst those that benefit the most have exploited my goodwill. When I started, the Labour Party had 47 seats on the Council. 6 years later, they have 27 seats. I know the role I played in what has taken place. With the next election is not until May 2026, people have a choice to make. Either support me or surrender.

This is the link to Red Wall and the Rabble. Please sign up/upgrade/cancel your subscriptions should you need to do so.

This is the link to the Dispatch that is scheduled for Monday evening. It is set free to air in a hope that people understand the gravity of the situation we now find ourselves in and how much work will be required to still be in the fight to save the town at the next elections in May 2026.

Please do take a moment to review your existing subscription and amend should you wish to do so. The new format will commence from the first Monday in September.

Raja 🙏