Shah's Hot Air and Big Team Blowing Wind

Shah's Hot Air and Big Team Blowing Wind

This is the link the Wednesday's post budget reaction video. Separate to the Deputy Mayor EDDIE MOORES instructed assault on a gentleman in the Public Gallery, who was later taken to hospital in an ambulance having reportedly suffered a heart attack, a series of heavyweight blows were exchanged between AROOJ SHAH's under siege Labour Party and the major opposition parties.

As is to be expected, Cllr HINCE, HURLEY, BALL and their so called BIG TEAM of advisors, having failed to submit any alternative budget proposals of their own in the main sat through the meeting looking gormless whilst the grown ups did the talking. When mocked by Cllr MURPHY, for their failure to do their job whilst still claiming their combined BIG TEAM £120,000 allowances, Cllr HINCE pleaded poverty and the lack of resources as to why had failed the thousands of people in Royton, Shaw & Failsworth that they had once again failed to represent.

There will NOT be a transmission this evening. Instead, there will be a full analysis of the Council's budget meeting on Monday night. Links will go out to all subscribers in the usual way. Another 10 subscribers and the transmission will be shared free to air. Please sign up and consider a paid membership if you are yet to join. Membership is from just 75p a week.

Raja 🙏


For the last 5 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.
