

Please see below communication that I have sent to ALEXANDER BOUGATEF, Interim Assistant Borough Solicitor at Oldham Council, in response to his attempts to censor freedom of expression and interfere in free and fair elections. It seems that not only must we protect our children, we must also protect the very foundations of which our democratic nation is built on.

I will share the full contents of the threat issued on behalf of Oldham Council during this evening's special broadcast. Please head over to my YouTube channel here

It is nine minutes past nine and we have arrived late. Perhaps, too late...

Dear Mr Bougatef

I note confirmation that YOU have instructed Browne Jacobson to attempt to secure an injunction against me. Irrespective of your viewpoint, I am clear that Oldham Council's actions are a violation of Article 10 of the Human Rights Act and also Protocol 1, Article 3: Right to free elections.

As this is an extremely serious matter, and is likely to escalate as a matter of public interest, can you please confirm if you have taken this action of our own volition without sign off from the Borough Solicitor or the Chief Executive? I look forward to confirmation from you as to who else is involved in allocating vast sums of Oldham Council Tax Payers' funds on what is a clear Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP), a violation of the Human Rights Act and an attempt to interfere in free and fair elections.

It is my position that Oldham Council are also attempting to censor a campaign seeking government intervention in taking over the running of Oldham (as in Liverpool) and prevent me from questioning council decision making and campaigning against corruption, censorship and the cover up of the gang rape of children. Specifically, I believe your actions are motivated by an attempt to;

  1. shut down the campaign to secure a Public Inquiry into the failure of Oldham Council and its partners to protect children from the Rape Gangs, something for which your at the time Council leader has already publicly apologised for and GMP since launched Operation Sherwood in response to
  2. protect Labour Party politicians and interfere in a campaign to remove from power Labour Party politicians that have been exposed for their links with convicted criminals
  3. interfere in lawful campaigning in the lead up to the 2024 local elections where the Labour Party are at risk of losing power
  4. obstruct free and fair elections
  5. inhibit my campaign to remove Jim McMahon in the next General Election where I am a declared candidate

If I have not heard from you by 5pm Tuesday 19th September clarifying who else is involved in approval of this action, I will have no alternative other than to start by reporting both yourself and the Borough Solicitor to the SRA. If required, I will also commence immediate legal action against Oldham Council to prevent it from interfering in the May 2024 local elections and the autumn 2024 General Election.

I look forward to sharing with the Council Tax payers' of my town how you are attempting to take out an injunction against me and attempting to prove harassment for actions such as;

  • describing unspecified individual(s) as 'samosa nibbler'
  • objecting to the scruffily attired appearance of elected representatives at formal Council meetings
  • questioning the competency of Council Officers
  • educating people how to decipher Council documents, submit public questions and freedom of information requests
  • referencing as paedophiles the former Oldham councillor ROD BLYTH and former Oldham Council employee and ringleader of the Rochdale Grooming Gang SHABIR AHMED. Both have been convicted as child sex offenders and both, until I exposed them, had their convictions and/or connections with Oldham Council hidden

Be in no doubt whatsoever of my position, the course of conduct which Oldham Council has now embarked is an attack on the very democratic foundations on which our nation is built upon. You will not succeed. I do not fear you. Despite your actions, you will not stop our lawful campaigning to remove Labour from power and force direct government intervention in Oldham. At the ballot box there will be a reckoning. Justice is coming. We, the people of Oldham, are taking our town back.

Yours Sincerely
Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West, Chadderton & Royton