Shameless Shah Suppresses CSE Report

Labour Party Council leader forced to reveal that the grooming and gang rape of children is 'still being committed in Oldham'.
In shocking scenes at Oldham's final full Council meeting before May's election, dismayed townsfolk were told to hush, as if over reacting children, by Chief Executive 'DIRTY' HARRY CATHERALL whilst Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH was forced to admit that her Council were involved in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of our children.
Already body searched and intimidated into revealing their identities before entering the Council chamber, a group of mainly elderly members of our town were then caged, as if they were the animals, before they were allowed to watch this travesty to democracy play out. Though Covid restrictions had been lifted, the Borough Solicitor PAUL ENTWISTLE, aided by ELIZABETH DROGAN from Constitutional Services, not only prevented members of the public from asking their own questions, which were instead read out on their behalf by an inept Mayor JENNY HARRISON, worse, they found that their questions were altered to suit!
As the meeting, reminiscent of a Belfast courtroom from the heyday of the troubles, progressed. And as anger was replaced by clear horror etched on the faces of those penned in behind the perspex screens, brave Oldhamers witnessed a disturbing series of exchanges as an aggressive AROOJ SHAH attempted to shift blame to opposition parties and politicise the horrific abuse that her Labour Party led Council had originally claimed as 'bare faced lies' and the allegations of 'far right activists'.
Despite Deputy leader of Oldham Conservatives, Cllr BETH SHARP's, pleas to her fellow women councillors, AROOJ SHAH (Chadderton South), HANNAH ROBERTS (Royton North), MARIE BASFORTH (Royton South), JEAN STRETTON (Hollinwood), ELAINE TAYLOR (Chadderton Central), BARBARA BROWNRIGDE (Chadderton North), who are all up for re election in May, voted with every other Labour Party politician in the room to help keep the report suppressed. Only moments earlier, AROOJ SHAH had been FORCED to admit what children had endured was
'...horrific and shameful and it was abundantly clear that the victims experiences fell far short of the support victims should expect of public services (the Council and GMP) and for that the Council is deeply deeply sorry.'
Oldhamers, who have long known this truth before SHAH's reluctant admission would have been concerned by what the under fire Labour Party Council leader was also forced to reveal. The grooming and gang rape of children is 'still being committed in Oldham'. Yet despite this revelation, AROOJ SHAH and every Labour Party councillor blocked calls for the government to be called in to help keep our town's children safe.
With no indication from ANDY BURNHAM or his team of when the report will be published, for many parents, the question on their mind is no longer concern over what happened in the past to other people's children. Rather, fearful parents go to bed tonight deeply anxious over what may happen in the here and now to their own children.
This last Council meeting before May's elections was a watershed moment in the history of our town. In plain sight, by voting down the Conservative motion passionately presented by former soldier Cllr DAVE ARNOTT, Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH and her team of Labour Party politicians decided to gamble the safety of our town's children in a desperate last ditch attempt at trying to save their political careers.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
For the last 3 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.