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After six years of relentless campaigning I have had to make the extremely difficult decision to move all of my content to a subscriber only model. Sadly, despite record viewing figures and a regular audience of 10,000+, the majority of people that consume my content are not even subscribing for free.

Moving forward, I am committed to continuing to share all of my published work for free. I will also continue to share shorter form content on YouTube for free including the soon to be launched 9 minute masterclass series. All of my remaining content is now going behind a paywall. Please subscribe to access my work.

In addition to services offered through Red Wall and the Rabble, there is also as separate Patreon page that offers daily updates and a chat group. This will replace my Facebook presence. You can sign up here should you wish to do so.

When I started writing back in 2018, no one knew about the Cartels, corruption or the cover up of the gang rape of children in my home town of Oldham. It is only a direct consequence of my work that tens of thousands are aware of the scale of what is taking place. Likewise, there is no way Labour would have had their majority slashed from 47 of 60 seats to 27 seats where they now rely on a coalition with a convicted fraudster and a councillor that dresses up as a Nazi to keep control.

With the next election not until May 2016, it is simply not possible for me to continue as I have for a further 2 years. If you wish to follow my work then please do take out a subscription to Red Wall and the Rabble.

Raja 🙏