Silencing the Truth: How the UK Government is Covering Up a National Child Rape Scandal

Silencing the Truth: How the UK Government is Covering Up a National Child Rape Scandal

They tried to imprison me for telling the truth.

The British government would rather silence me than admit what happened to an estimated hundred thousand plus children across this country. Children who were groomed, abused, gang-raped and sold whilst authorities looked the other way.

For six years, I've been hunted, threatened, and marginalised - all because I refused to accept the official narrative that this was a far right conspiracy.

My name is Raja Miah. Those now in government describe me as ‘a dangerous man’.

This isn't just another political scandal. This is about the systematic nationwide sexual exploitation of working-class White girls by predominantly Pakistani heritage rape gangs operating for decades across the United Kingdom. It's about the institutions that failed them. The officials who ignored them. The politicians that traded them. The system that continues to betray them.

And now, despite everything we've fought for, it's happening again and our government wants to sweep it under the rug.


The Announcement That Changed Nothing

January 16, 2025.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper stands up in Parliament and announces "inquiries" into grooming gangs. Just days earlier, her government had voted down a motion from the Conservatives calling for a national public inquiry. Their actions caused national outrage and made international news.

Feeling the pressure, Cooper returned to parliament and named Oldham as one of five areas to receive local inquiries. Six weeks have passed. Oldham remains the only one named.

Here's the kicker: these local inquiries have no statutory powers. When pressed in Parliament, Cooper admitted they were essentially toothless. I am not alone in thinking that they are a complete waste of time.

Without statutory powers, the inquiries the Home Secretary has announced cannot compel witnesses to testify. They cannot force the production of documents. They cannot penetrate the wall of silence that has protected abusers and their enablers for decades.

They're designed to fail.

Democracy in Action - Temporarily
We mobilised. Our campaign gained momentum.

In Oldham, we completely outmanoeuvred the Labour-controlled Council. Forcing an extraordinary council meeting, all 59 councillors present voted unanimously to support our demands:

  • A statutory public inquiry into Oldham with full powers.
  • A national inquiry for the entire country.
  • A request for the Greater Manchester Mayor to support both inquiries.

For one bright moment, democracy seemed to work.

Then reality set in.

The Letter That Exposed Everything

A member of our team wrote directly to the Home Office. Their response is dated February 24, 2025. It was worse than I could have imagined.

"The safety of our children is naturally an important issue to many," they wrote.

Not to all - to many.

Let that sink in. The Home Office of the United Kingdom considers child safety important to "many" people, not all people. This subtle distinction reveals their true perspective.

They continued: "The government is supporting Oldham Council who have confirmed work to set a local inquiry is underway."

This directly contradicts the council's unanimous vote rejecting the non-statutory inquiry format. The democratic will of the people, expressed through their elected representatives, simply ignored.

What's the point of democracy if government officials can disregard it whenever it becomes inconvenient?

The Theatre of Independence

The Home Office tries to sound reassuring: "We hope to reassure you that locally led inquiries are expected to be independent."

Expected. Not required. Not mandated. Expected.

There's a world of difference between 'expecting' and 'requiring.' When I merely expect my daughter to tidy her room, it remains a mess. When I instruct her to clean it, I get minimal compliance. Only when I mandate specific actions with clear consequences does the job get done properly.

'Expected' is bureaucratic language for 'we hope they'll do it but won't enforce it.' It's like telling a child you 'expect' them to clean their room without checking if they've done it. They might make the bed but leave clothes on the floor. Only clear requirements with oversight produce real results.

The difference between 'expecting' and 'requiring' is the difference between hope and accountability. If I merely expect my daughter to clean her room, I'll find empty promises. If I require it with inspection and consequences, I'll find results. The Home Office knows this distinction well.

Let me explain the power of language here: When I 'expect' my daughter to clean her room, nothing happens. When I 'instruct' her, she makes token efforts. Only when I 'mandate' specific actions with oversight does meaningful change occur. The Home Office deliberately chose the weakest word.

'Expected' is where accountability goes to die. The Home Office knows precisely what they're doing with this terminology.

This matters because I know for a fact there are individuals in both the political and administrative aspects of Oldham Council who are deeply implicated in this scandal. Labour Party councilors who were associates of convicted members of the Pakistani Rape Gangs. A hastily appointed underqualified Chief Executive who worked for the communications team under Jim McMahon that covered up the grooming and gang rape of children in shisha bars. An internally appointed ‘interim’ Borough Solicitor that attempted to take legal action to silence campaigners.

These are the people who will now be investigating themselves. These are the people who the Home Office "expects" to suddenly do the right thing after years of cover-ups. No instructions. No framework on what actions to take.

The National Audit Smokescreen

The letter mentions Baroness Louise Casey's appointment "to oversee a national audit" into child sexual exploitation. Sounds promising until you read the next sentence: "The audit will help to inform further future local inquiries, which we believe are the best way to investigate specific local crimes and issues."

Let me translate what they're really saying: No matter what Baroness Casey finds - no matter how widespread, no matter how systematic, no matter how coordinated these crimes were - the government will never, under any circumstances, launch a national inquiry.

This isn't an oversight. This is obstruction.

The identical patterns across Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford, Newcastle, and dozens of other towns tell us everything we need to know. These weren't isolated incidents. This wasn't a coincidence. This was a nationwide network operating with impunity while authorities turned a blind eye.

The same demographics of perpetrators. The same vulnerabilities in victims. The same institutional failures. The same political paralysis. The same fear of being labeled racist for addressing the obvious cultural and religious factors at play.

When thousands of children are gang raped and trafficked across dozens of towns following identical patterns over decades, that's not a local issue. That's a national emergency.

But the government has already decided against a national inquiry regardless of what Casey's audit might find. The fix is in. The conclusion is predetermined.

They'll fragment this crisis into bite-sized local chunks, each one investigating only what happened within arbitrary geographical boundaries, ensuring no one ever sees the complete picture. No one connects the dots. No one asks the hard questions about how this was allowed to happen everywhere, simultaneously, for so long.

It's like investigating a nationwide drug cartel by having each town look only at what happened on their street, forbidden from considering who supplied the drugs or who ran the operation.

Make no mistake: These are not local crimes. This is not a local issue.

This is a national shame demanding a national response.

The Machinery of Cover-Up

What we're witnessing isn't just negligence or incompetence - it's a deliberate, calculated dismantling of accountability. The machinery of cover-up grinding into motion once again.

Look at how methodically they're executing it:

  • The Home Office diminishing child safety to merely "an important issue to many" - as if protecting children from rape is some niche political concern rather than a fundamental duty of civilised society.
  • Officials in Whitehall steamrolled over Oldham's unanimous democratic vote - 59 elected representatives overruled by unelected bureaucrats with a stroke of a pen.
  • The will of the people treated as a mere suggestion, to be acknowledged then immediately discarded. Democracy reduced to theatre, where votes are merely symbolic gestures with no binding power.
  • Government "expecting" rather than demanding integrity from the very institutions that have demonstrated none for decades. Like leaving foxes to guard the henhouse with a polite note asking them to behave.
  • No formal framework provided for these inquiries. No consistent standards, no minimum requirements, no transparency guarantees. Each council left free to design investigations that protect themselves.
  • And perhaps most insidiously: the calculated fragmentation of a national atrocity into disconnected "local issues" - ensuring that the systemic nature of these crimes remains buried, that no one institution ever bears responsibility for the catastrophic whole.

This is how they silence victims. This is how they protect the guilty. This is how they wash the blood from their hands.

I've staked everything on exposing this truth. Six years of my life. My career - destroyed. My reputation - smeared. My freedom - threatened. My life - at risk every day. I will never work again because I refused to look the other way while children were being raped and authorities covered it up.

They've tried to imprison me. They've tried to bankrupt me. They've tried to kill me. But I am still here. Still fighting. Still speaking truth to power. And I will not stop.

But the fight is wearing me down. Despite everything I have done. We still don't have the numbers. We don't have the resources. What we have is the truth, and sometimes that's not enough.

The Counterattack

This is not over. Not by a long shot. They've shown their hand - revealed their strategy for containing and neutralising our campaign. But in doing so, they've also exposed their vulnerabilities. They fear transparency. They fear accountability. Most of all, they fear the united voice of the people demanding justice.

The establishment believes they can wait us out, that our outrage will fade, our numbers will dwindle, our resolve will weaken. Help me show them that they are wrong.

No one is coming to save us. It is up to us. We are the resistance against lies, the ones who expose their cover-ups, and the force that stands against corruption. But resistance is not just about speaking the truth, it is about making sure the truth cannot be silenced.

For the last six years, I have documented the evidence, led investigations, and played a key role in the campaign for justice so that no one can ever say they ‘didn’t know.’

My work is 100% free because the truth should never be locked away. Unfortunately, exposing corruption comes at a cost, and this fight is only possible with your support.

If you stand against the lies, the cover-ups, and the corruption, help keep this work alive. At the very least, share it - because the more people who know, the harder it is for them to bury the truth.

But if you can go one step further and support this work financially, even a small contribution makes a difference.

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This isn’t just my fight - it’s ours. Thank you for being part of it.

Raja Miah MBE