Six Years and Still No Samosas

Six Years and Still No Samosas

Six years ago the Greater Manchester Mayor ANDY BURNHAM launched the first of a sequence of completely toothless series of Assurance Reviews into the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of thousands of working class White girls across Manchester, Rochdale and Oldham. Instead of going to the government and demanding a full Public Inquiry, which would have had the necessary far reaching powers to hold those involved to account, the King of the North want to be Prime Minister launched assurance reviews that;

  • had terms of reference of what could be investigated set by the organisations being investigated
  • was dependent on those being investigated to provide investigators with the evidence that they could review
  • was dependent on those being investigated to identify and contact survivors to come forward and testify
  • had no powers to interview people and so the majority of police officers and public officials ignored the letters that the Mayor's so called expert team sent out
  • and for witnesses that did testify, instead of recording word for word the testimonies of whistleblowers, BURNHAM's two specialist MALCOLM NEWSAM & GARY RIDGWAY took selective notes instead. Which multiple witnesses then refused to sign off because they did not accurately reflect their testimonies.

As a consequence of the limitations of the powers of the Greater Manchester Mayor's so called investigations, each of his 3 reports published to date failed to provide any answers on a wide range of public questions. For example;

  1. In Manchester, the Review team failed to locate the minutes of the meeting where Greater Manchester Police and Manchester City Council agreed to shut down the investigation that let go a grooming gang of 97 men.
  2. In Oldham, the Review team protected the MP JIM McMAHON, who was Council leader at the time, and gave interviews claiming there was no cover up when even their own report demonstrates multiple instances of a cover up. Even MAGGIE OLIVER has since described the Assurance Review involving Oldham Council a cover up.
  3. In Rochdale, the Review team confirm that they were unable to interview key individuals, who ignored requests to give evidence (for fear of incriminating themselves?) and just as in Manchester & Oldham, refused to name a single politician, public official or police officer involved in the cover up of the industrial scale grooming and gang rape of little White girls in Labour Party controlled towns across Greater Manchester

The failings, inconsistencies, anomalies and inability to get to the truth across the three reports published to date would have sufficient content to form a report of its own. Clearly frustrated, at the press conference launch of the latest Review, the Greater Manchester Mayor all but admitted his investigators had failed to get to the truth and instead of holding his hands up and taking responsibility, he tried to claim that he needed more powers. Powers that a Public Inquiry already have. A Public Inquiry that ANDY BURNHAM could have demanded six years ago.

So someone please explain to me why ANDY BURNHAM did not demand a Public Inquiry 6 years earlier? Are we really to believe he was unaware of the limitations of his review team and that he did not have the necessary power to uncover the extent of the cover up or the names of those involved? And when you've explained this to me, then also please explain why, despite every allegation of the cover up proven to be true, why the want to be one day Prime Minister is still refusing to call for a Public Inquiry now?

What exactly are we missing here?

  1. Should those involved in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of tens of thousands of children from across Gtr Manchester not be identified and prosecuted?
  2. Should the thousands of child rapists that are still free to carry on as they escape arrest?
  3. Do these children who were drugged, battered, trafficked and repeatedly gang raped not deserve justice?

So one last time, in the face of overwhelming evidence of a cover up, why does the Greater Manchester Mayor continue to ignore survivors, campaigners and the communities affected and not demand the government launch an immediate Public Inquiry into the cover up of the industrial scale grooming and gang rape of working class White girls from across Greater Manchester? Just what sort of Mayor is this man?

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.

My name is Raja Miah. Oldham is my home town. The politicians that control the town fear me because of my integrity, my refusal to be intimidated and also my experience and knowledge. I am nothing like any politician this town has ever seen. I’m asking you to help me. When the time comes, vote for me and I will end this reign of tyranny. It is now or never. Help defeat Labour and #TakeBackOldham #JusticeIsComing.

For the last 5 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the newsletter.