The Trouble With Trusting Tories

The Trouble With Trusting Tories

The warring factions of Oldham & Saddleworth Conservatives met yesterday for their Annual General Meeting. With a turnout of just over 30 people, which included councillors, their partners and family members to help bolster their numbers, the meeting was a complete shambles. GRAHAM SHELDON, the leader of the Party, failed to show. The Saddleworth councillors that did, immediately alleged that procedures had not been followed. They were right. The election that followed was rigged!

The Committee 'elected' (names to follow) is controlled by the Oldham faction led by Cllrs SHARP, ARNOTT, BARNES & QUIGG. The Chairman from the previous year was re elected even though he was not in attendance. He is a Pakistani gentleman called SAJJAD HUSSAIN. In a style reminiscent of British rule in India, Mr HUSSAIN is nothing more than a proxy through which those really in control rule. In return, well, I'll let you guess what the arrangement is regarding what he gets in return.

GARY TARBUCK had also stood for the position of Chairman. Sadly, it appears that the Oldham Conservatives plotted against him prior to the meeting and subsequently failed to voice any support for him during the meeting. After the meeting, Cllrs SHARP, ARNOTT, QUIGG and disappointingly Cllr BARNES also, then took to celebrate the re-election of their Pakistani proxy through which they control the Committee. What is that old saying about trust and Tories?

The meeting concluded amidst allegations of corruption. A handful of Bangladeshi members arrived with copies of their invitations to the AGM. They had clear proof that they had only received notice of the meeting 48 hours previously. Not only was this unconstitutional, I doubt very much it was accidental. A worrying feature of the Conservative gatherings is that the Asians are NOT invited!

When one of them brave enough to speak out did so, Cllr QUIGG who chaired the meeting, instead of offering an explanation of why the Bangladeshis had been treated the way they had, just closed the meeting down. In a town riddled with Cartel politics, the Conservatives are late to a game that they do worse in by playing badly.

The Committee is meant to produce their election manifesto and select candidates for next May. The Conservatives already claim they have more than 60 candidates wanting to stand for them in next May’s election. If they was a betting man, I’d bet the list was over represented by Cartel affiliated Pakistanis and Bangladeshis that the Tories are willing to come to an arrangement with in a style no different to how Labour and the Lib Dems play their politics in Oldham.

A final point, whilst the Oldham Conservatives were quick to post a picture of their re-elected Pakistani Chairman, they are yet to share a copy of the letter they sent to the government demanding a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of White working class girls in our town. Now why would this be? Could the Tories really be so callous and use the grooming and gang rape of children as a soundbite just to win votes? Well MAGGIE OLIVER seems to think this is what the Conservatives are up to at a national level. Why would it be any different locally?

With the Conservative veneer of fighting for the town barely lasting 3 months, AMANDA CHADDERTON and her Labour Party colleagues are now relishing the prospect of the All Outs next May. Forget hanging on, in the face of such Conservative treachery, the likelihood is that the Labour Party will increase their numbers in the Council next May. A question for all of you who think you will just vote AMANDA CHADDERTON out in Royton South. Just who will you vote her and Mr & Mrs BARRELGATE out with?

Did someone whisper Royton Independence Party? Or did I mishear and it was Derker, Sholver & Moorside First that I heard. Or was it a Borough wide coalition of Independents? More in this evening's subscriber only transmission. If you are yet to sign up, it's 75p a week. Unlike the likes of Cllr MAX WOODVINE, I don't get paid by Oldham Council Tax payers for doing nothing.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.


For the last 3 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying me a coffee or contributing via PayPal.

Link to this evening's transmission below.

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