Tyranny in the Style of the Taliban & Politics From the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Hidden from most Oldhamers and leaked from the repeatedly delayed Oldham Grooming Gang report exposing JIM McMAHON MP's role in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of Oldham's children is that from 2006 to 2020 Oldham social services had referrals warning 700 children faced potential risk of sex abuse.
One victim was targeted at 10 and another in care was raped by more than 300 men from the age of 12. Though identifying 318 offender since 2014, Greater Manchester Police have only charged 86. So far, the number of successful convictions are unknown. Also, yet to be made clear is the ethnic backgrounds of either the victims or the offenders.
Information is power. And that is the reason why I share my work across a wide variety of social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Medium have the widest reach. And it is why those that have been attempting to censor me have repeatedly tried to remove me from these mainstream sites.
Medium is the first of the sites I began this journey on. Though JIM McMAHON MP, the at time Oldham Council Leader SEAN FIELDING & his Deputy Cllr AROOJ SHAH managed to censor and have removed one of my Welcome to Oldham articles, where I initially shared the dossier of information regarding the Labour Party cover up of the grooming gangs in Oldham, the damage was already done. Such is the reach of Medium, over 100,000 people read the story and a million plus had sight of the evidence. It is because of this story that the Council were forced to launch their inquiry into the grooming gangs in Oldham. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

McMAHON, SHAH and corrupt politicians like them are currently demanding that the UK law is changed to prevent activists such as myself doing what I have by bypassing their Council controlled mainstream media to share facts and analysis directly with the public. Using their powerful positions, with their demands amplified by mainstream journalists and malicious bloggers alike, KEIR STARMER’s Shadow Minister for Transport has attempted to prevent me from raising funds to help support my transmissions. Worse, working alongside those that have attempted to have me killed, he has repeatedly ran to the police to try and force my arrest. My crime, speaking out against the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of my town’s children.
Meanwhile, the new leader of Oldham Council, Cllr AROOJ SHAH has done what she does extremely well. Crying crocodile tears, screeching false claims of racism and misogyny, she has brazenly aligned herself with her mobster mates, who in turn have taken a sudden interest in politics and attack her those that dare speak out against her. Despite their attempts, I continue to share what I can and freely share my disclosures through all the avenues open to me.
Wanting to erode our freedoms, freedoms that our ancestors sacrificed their lives securing, these politicians believe that it is they who should decide what we read and who we read it from. It is not I that just disagrees with the likes of JIM McMAHON MP, DEBBIE ABRAHAMS MP, ANGELA RAYNOR MP, Cllr AROOJ SHAH and the Muslim block vote controlling Criminal Cartels that these politicians have aligned themselves with. As the ballot box shows, an entire town has now been mobilised against them. Though the majority of my town may be Working Class, we are not the thick White racists that the fake liberal metropolitan elite, who now control the Labour Party, portray us to be.
If you listen to their contradictions. Apparently no one listens to my transmissions or reads any of my work. And should anyone have the ‘misfortune’ of coming across my work, that they know beforehand that I am supposedly a racist, a criminal and a liar. So keen to malign my good name and impeccable character, JIM McMAHON MP has himself now resorted to writing weekly blogs on his own personal Facebook page attacking me. So much for no one listening to me on my weekly YouTube Transmissions or reading my blogs on Ghost or visiting my website.

The 16th November 2021 is a landmark day in our campaign to take back our town and bring JIM McMAHON MP and his team of criminal politicians and Council Officers to justice. They think we don’t know. By now they should know better. We know. We know all too well that there is no abuse of power they will not exploit to try and hide the darkness of their deeds. Today marks a new chapter in the struggle to end their tyranny.

There is a name to describe the likes of both JIM McMAHON MP, Cllr AROOJ SHAH and their Labour Party associates. From the earliest of ages, through fireside fairy tales and history lessons in schools, we teach our children, as a warning, against them. So that when they reappear, they would recognise the signs and rise up to confront them. Just as those that came before them did the same. The name we know them and their kind is TYRANT. And each time, tyranny reigned, though we witnessed the darkest of chapters in our histories, we also witnessed something far more powerful, the defiance of ordinary people who refused to cower in silence.
There are deeper and more powerful reasons why we share with our children fairy tales and legends from our pasts. These stories do more than just share retellings of evil long since defeated. The magic lies in how they inspire us, so that when the moment arrives, discovering our courage, we rise up and fight the real life monsters we face in the present day. And come next May and the May after that, at the ballot box, we will face a Labour Party represented by JIM McMAHON, AROOJ SHAH and the Muslim Militia that surrounds them. The journalists will call us racists and far right and the Cartels will mobilise in a desperate attempt to silence us.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
To follow my work, simply subscribe to my page on YouTube and follow the various social media platforms I post on. It’s all free.
Should you wish to do so you can support my work in helping take back our town and help me keep my lights on by buying me a coffee or taking up a monthly subscription to the website. But that’s entirely up to you.