Tyranny Will Fall And Despots Defeated

Tyranny Will Fall And Despots Defeated

A subject is someone who obeys the government but doesn’t believe the government is a high power. A citizen is a person who obeys the law and puts it at a high power. Whilst a subject has no power to hold to account those that rule over them, a citizen has all the power to challenge despots and bring a government to its knees. The method through which this is achieved is nothing more complicated than putting one's mark on a ballot paper. Why else do you think our Chartist forbears sacrificed all that they did?

It is now 20 months since I have been on continuous police bail. By the time I face trial, something yet to be scheduled, it will be at least 10 months more, taking the period I will have spent living my life under such conditions to nearly 3 years. Add to this a further 2 years since I became public enemy number 1 to JIM McMAHON MP and and his team of Pakistani Rape Gang protectors at the Labour Party controlled Oldham Council. The ceaseless attacks led by an MP that really should be facing trial explaining his role in the cover up of the systematic gang rape of little White girls in exchange for sackfuls of postal votes from the block Muslim vote was predictable. What else was he going to do but focus his attention on me instead of explaining his failings?

Likewise, it was inevitable that those that benefit from their relationship with McMAHON were also going to try and silence me. From the ousted AROOJ SHAH to the convicted heroin dealing getaway driver of a cop killer IRISH IMY, the sex offender's associate of Oldham Deputy Leader ABDUL JABBAR, the Dodgy Doctor Deputy Mayor and the Cartel coordinated opposition that included attempts to have me murdered, everything these people have done and continue to do was likewise also predictable. They have everything to lose. What else were they going to do when their samosa meal ticket was risked?

So it is the same with the Executive leadership at Oldham Council. Whilst Dr CAROLYN WILKINS and the previous senior leaders have all run way, their replacements have an even dodgier track record and even less commitment to public service. Led by the back door Chief Executive HARRY CATHERALL and his hand picked team, the town has only deteriorated even further since they took charge. You just have to look at how, since the new regime took over, the Borough Solicitor PAUL ENTWISTLE and the Council lead for Constitutional Services, ELIZABETH DROGAN, have become even more emboldened and maliciously prevented members of the public from attending Council meetings.

Mum of grooming victim in Oldham tells GB News she was sent ASBO after ‘disrupting’ council meeting
Debbie Barratt-Cole denies throwing a missile and swearing at an Oldham Council leader

With almost daily scandals reported of sleaze and sex pests. I don't think I am the only person who will never look at the police in the same way again. Institutionally disgraced, having been placed in accelerated Special Measures, not only did Greater Manchester Police protect the rape gangs, they then attempted to maliciously prosecute me for exposing just how involved they were in protecting Pakistani men that dragged children off the streets in broad daylight before drugging, raping and trafficking them. Actually, GMP have gone further. Just look at the failure to follow the evidence of the firebombing of AROOJ SHAH's car and tell me how anyone in this town can ever trust Chief Superintendent CHRIS BOWEN or the Chief Constable IAN WATSON?

The truth is, where I have genuinely found myself shocked has been through the actions of the mainstream media. Maybe it is because I was raised on tv programmes such as World in Action that I believed journalism was a noble profession. Or maybe it was looking at how the majority of the local journalists were young, white and female, I mistakenly believing these women would have some innate empathy for victims that could easily have been each and every one of them. Not so. From HANNAH AL-OTMAN of the Sunday Times to CHARLOTTE GREEN from the Manchester Evening News, each and every one of them have fervently peddled the lie that the grooming gangs were a far right conspiracy and I a liar.

In the end, of this group that I describe as the fake liberal metropolitan elite, I always end in the same place, their political ideology and support for the Labour Party comes first. They are no different from the politicians that exchange White girls for sackfuls of postal votes. In the hierarchy of race relations, Working Class White girls are at the bottom. Placed there, not by Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Muslims or even White men. They find themselves placed at the bottom as a consequence of the actions of White women. In particular, middle class White women who have zero experience of living in a multicultural utopia that they are so keen to push onto others.

And then we have the malicious blogger. A proven liar that a judge described as 'a witness of low credibility', irrelevant of his obsession of me, you have to ask why so many of the town's politicians associate with and encourage NEIL WIBY. Well actually, you don't have to ask. I suspect you all know why the Pakistani Rape Gang protecting MP JIM McMAHON endorses him and CYRIL SMITH's friend and Oldham Lib Dem leader, HOWARD SYKES, unlawfully leaks WILBY the private details of members of the public.

‘Malicious blogger’ Neil Wilby banned from contacting Independent Police Complaints Commission investigators after ‘tormenting’ them online
One investigator was painted as a broomstick-riding witch by the web campaigner, who also accused of her having an improper relationship with a senior cop

Unfortunately for McMAHON and his associates, despite everything they have tried to do to me, the truth is out. In Oldham, we have exposed more than the grooming gangs and what they did. We have gone further than in any other town or city across the land. We exposed those who were specifically responsible for protected the rape gangs and the reason why they did what they did. And in something completely unprecedented, at the ballot box we held them to account.

Council leader slams ‘dehumanising’ campaign after losing seat | ITV News
Arooj Shah, the north of England’s first Muslim council leader, slams ‘dehumanising’ campaign after losing seat in Oldham | ITV News Granada

After taking out successive Council leaders in SEAN FIELDING and AROOJ SHAH, the town is mobilising to take out AMANDA CHADDERTON in her Labour Party stronghold of Royton South. Having already repeatedly blocked calls for a Public Inquiry into the cover up of the gang rape of little White girls in the town, the latest of McMAHON's puppets had the audacity to stand in the Council chamber and claim being gang raped did not destroy the lives of victims.

Since then, AMANDA CHADDERTON has gone from one catastrophic decision to the next. Even if she succeeds in holding off the Royton Independents and clinging on to her seat, the likelihood is that she will not remain Oldham Council leader post May. With several secret strategy meetings having already taken place in the Civic Centre between McMAHON and his Muslim councillors, CHADDERTON's days are numbered. The reason why goes beyond her expertise in saying the wrong thing, in the wrong way, at the wrong time, looking and sounding the way she does. It goes back to the danger she poses McMAHON in the lead up to a December 2024 General Election.

AMANDA CHADDERTON is both openly Gay and also pro Trans. Married to a woman and with a child, she is on record stating that individuals can self identify their gender. Imagine how this will play out in the block voting religiously conservative Muslim community that McMAHON relies on for half of his 25,000 votes? Which, I suppose is why, unlike every previous Council leader in recent years, she has yet to appear nibbling a samosa, photographed in a mosque (Council funded or otherwise) or appeared alongside Brother Jamal on the campaign trail in any of the Muslim areas of Oldham.

And the campaign trail he will most definitely be on. Shockwaves went through the Civic Centre all the way to McMAHON's mansion at Chadderton Town Hall after my confirmation that I intend to stand against the despot at the next General Election. McMAHON may think he is all powerful and above the law, but just like his 3 protege Council leaders, he's about to face an opposition campaign of the likes he has never fought against before.

The term Rabble, coined initially by McMAHON's attack dog the Malicious Blogger actually does us all a disservice. Without doubt, we are the most effective opposition movement this town has ever seen. Though I may not be a politician, more than understanding politics, I know my town and the people who live within it. Even with his block Muslim vote, McMAHON can and will be beaten.

But first, for those that have contacted me and asked, my focus is on May and doing all I can to help take out AMANDA CHADDERTON and as many Labour Party politicians as possible. Add in some Lib Dems as well for good measure. The police know they will not be able to stop us. The mainstream media know their attempts to malign us will fail. Likewise the Cartel threats will not intimidate us anymore than Oldham Council compiling dossiers on each and every one of us. 5 years later, not only are we still here, each day our numbers grow. A reckoning is coming. Tyranny will fall.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.


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