Welcome to Oldham | A town where democracy is dead

I hope that the sunshine is helping people put behind the recent double election blows. It started at the end of May where we witnessed AROOJ SHAH keep hold of power through buying out both the Failsworth Independents and MARC HINCE's Secret Squirrel Shaw Independents. In the General Election that followed in July, not only did JIM McMAHON retain his seat, I finished well behind both the sectarian Oldham Group - who campaigned on a one state solution in Palestine (thereby the eradication of Israel), as well as a Reform candidate that no one had ever seen.
Having sacrificed everything for the last 6 years, the nature of the election defeat in particular has resulted in me considering my next steps. It is with regret that I confirm my leading from the front campaigning days are over. From September, my Facebook page and YouTube channel will be exclusively used to redirect people to either Red Wall and the Rabble or my Patreon page. I will no longer be openly campaigning via social media. In fact, I will no longer be campaigning at all.
Depending on what tier you are subscribed to on Red Wall and the Rabble will give you access as follows;
- Those that are signed up to the free Resist tier will receive a weekly newsletter.
- Those that are signed up for the £3 Rebel tier will be also sent links to the pre recorded Dispatches. My aim is to release one a week.
- Those that are signed up for £5 to the Rabble tier will be able to live view the Dispatches as well as be able to view recorded analysis of Council meetings.
- The £10 a month Radical tier will provide you with a private link to watch along live Council meetings where you will be able to ask me questions as the meeting is streamed.
- Finally, there is a £25 a month Recusant tier that will also provide analysis of all of the Council papers pre meetings, a post meeting broadcast where I review what took place, as well as a monthly live workshop on submitting questions to the Council as well as preparing FOI requests. Recusant tier members can also access me for 1-1 coaching for 45 mins each month.
Those that are supporting me privately via direct debit (by whatever amount) or have a complimentary subscription, will continue to receive access to all tiers.
My hope had been to avoid moving behind a paywall. Unfortunately, I am no longer able to sustain putting out free content that other people use for their own gain whilst I take all the risk. As it stands, we cannot even get people to sign up for free (despite viewing the work in the tens of thousands), let alone come anywhere near breaking even each month.
Please sign up and adjust your membership tiers over the next few weeks including canceling your membership if you wish to do so.
There is also a separate Patreon page that will replace the daily Facebook expose style updates. People will be able to comment on posts and also take part in a group chat. In the current climate, and particularly as I am no longer campaigning, I think it is useful to move away from an open platform like Facebook. It costs just £1 a month to join which means that I have the bank details of everyone that signs up. This prevents spies and trolls from infiltrating the group. You can join using this link should you wish to do so.
I am acutely aware of the consequences of my actions. I understand that by going behind a paywall the likelihood is that AROOJ SHAH and her Labour Party will strengthen their hold over Oldham and go back to doing what they have been in the past without challenge or scrutiny. In the local elections that follow in 2026, they will also reassert their outright majority on the Council. Unfortunately, after six years of leading this fight, I am no longer willing to share my work freely only to be betrayed by those that benefited the most.
Raja 🙏