When the Cartels come calling and the Cops keep cowering

My 3yr old niece & 5yr old nephew would be dead if attempts to tamper with both my sister and her husband's cars had been successful. Neck deep themselves in cover up of corrupt @UKLabour politicians & @oldhamcouncil officers I have exposed, @gmpolice remain reluctant to act.
This attempt follows allegations that I am
1. Gay
2. A Christian Convert
3. Arrested for child sex exploitation
4. A police informant
5. A criminal
6. A Far Right activist
Allegations also include my terminally ill mother is a prostitute and my family benefit from the proceeds of crime.

These malicious allegations, clearly designed to have me attacked and killed, have been given oxygen by @Keir_Starmer Shadow Minister @jimfromoldham and multiple @uklabour politicians. National newspapers including @thesundaytimes have also been involved including the former Labour Party Press Officer @HannahAlOthman. Also involved are .@basialcummings, formally of .@guardian and the silk pyjama wearing to work .@joshi. Both Basia Cummings and Joshi Herrmann, hacks for hire, rely on paid subscriptions for income from their mainly Fake Liberal Metropolitan Elite reader base.

Most recently, @TheOldhamTimes ran a malicious headline that I had been arrested as part of a child sexual exploitation investigation. This is 100% false and it appears they were provided information whilst working in tandem with the malicious blogger and proven liar @neil_wilby

WILBY, with direct encouragement from JIM McMAHON MP, Oldham Council Leader Cllr AROOJ SHAH and the Mayor JENNY HARRISON, has been co-ordinating a hate crime against me that has only intensified after I gave evidence that led to the conviction of the mobster IRISH IMY. A member of IRISH IMY's defence team was GAIL HADFIELD GRAINGER. The wife of ANTHONY GRAINGER, the Salford criminal that the police shot dead, she launched an online attack against me following his conviction.
WILBY, GRAINGER & TAHIR MUSHTAQ, the brother of Oldham Councillor .@ShaidMushtaq, are at forefront of a smear campaign against me. Their motive, as the out of control Tahir Mushtaq himself confirms whilst at a Mocktail Bar where IRISH IMY has an interest of some form, is to protect the new leader Cllr AROOJ SHAH.

Both WILBY and MUSHTAQ have shared details of where I live whilst making a series of dangerous allegations. This has included photographs of the entrance to where I live as well as publishing my actual home address after claiming that I am a child sex offender. Even when reported to Greater Manchester Police, they refuse to act.
Cllr AROOJ SHAH herself has self declared loyalties with multiple mobsters and a 'childhood friendship' with the heroin dealing cop killer's getaway driver IRISH IMY. This convicted criminal is now leading vigilante 'street patrols' in Oldham. When initially asked, neither McMAHON nor SHAH condemned thee plans with McMAHON (who it is reported had previously supported IRISH IMY through which he was allowed to stay in Oldham before breaching his parole and being thrown back in prison) describing the plans as 'well meaning'.

Just prior to the attempted murder of members of my family, TAHIR MUSHTAQ published his latest malicious claim. You can see for yourself what he is stating and the role of @neil_wilby. Having suggested I deserve it, @gmpolice continue to refuse to even interview these people. Meanwhile, I remain on bail, without charge, after six police officers hammered down my door in a dawn raid.

Whilst I was still detained and refused even a phone call, for some reason @AndyBurnhamGM police force shared with WILBY details of my arrest. I'll leave it to people to determine how WILBY was aware of my arrest when even members of my immediate family did not know. WILBY is claiming I was arrested as part of OPERATION HEXAGON, a joint operation between Greater Manchester Police and Oldham Council. If this is true, then it as clear evidence that Greater Manchester Police are involved in STASI like behaviour where they are arresting critics of a Council that has been exposed for corruption, election rigging and its role in the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of working class children by predominantly Pakistani, occasionally Bangladeshi, and almost exclusively Muslim men.
On my release from custody, and following the publication of both WILBY and THE OLDHAM TIMES' malicious stories, through which my identity was confirmed as allegedly arrested and under investigation for child sexual exploitation, I contacted the new Chief Constable at Greater Manchester Police STEPHEN WATSON. I begged him and @gmpolice to issue statement I have not been arrested as part of a CSE investigation. They refused. To avoid any doubt, at no point during my arrest was I questioned regarding anything to do with CSE nor was OPERATION HEXAGON ever mentioned.
What I was left in no doubt whatsoever from my interview and the conditions of my bail is that my arrest was at the direction of politicians. Politicians that I have been exposing for links to mobsters.
What I share with you may read like an episode of Eliot Ness and events from 1930's Chicago Mafia. It isn't. These events are real and taking place in the northern working class town of Oldham where people, having finally had enough, are standing up to the tyrant politicians and criminal Cartels that run their home town.
Whichever way I try and understand what took place this week, I always return to the same place. These people tried to kill my 3 year old niece and 5 year old nephew. And ANDY BURNHAM's Greater Manchester Police are neck deep in what has taken place.
Normally, I finish off all of my posts with Do Not Fear Them. This time, I cannot. These people should be feared.
Raja Miah MBE
By now many of you know of my politically motivated arrest at the hands of the in Special Measures Greater Manchester Police, the false allegations about me in the press and the threats to my life for sharing with you news that the Labour Party run Council want to keep hidden. If you find what I share of value, please consider buying me a coffee or contributing whatever amount you can afford via PayPal.
All funds received go towards keeping the RECUSANT NINE TRANSMISSIONS broadcasting.