When the Postal Votes From Mirpur Are Exposed, McMahon Resorts to Mobster Tactics More Familiar to his Muslim Core Vote Home

Part III of The Failed Framing of Raja Miah exposes the role of Sir KEIR STARMER's Shadow Minister, JIM McMAHON MP, in his attempts to incriminate me in the firebombing of AROOJ SHAH's car.
Sir KEIR STARMER"s Shadow Minister, JIM McMAHON MP, claims I released a podcast the day of the attack. From his series of tweets, it is very clear what he is suggesting - that I incited and/or was responsible for the attack.

Unfortunately for the hamster cheeked samosa nibbler, AROOJ SHAH's car was blown up around 1.30am in the morning. My podcast went out at 12.51pm the following afternoon. Whilst technically the same day, it was published nearly 12 hours afterwards! Here is a screenshot of my time stamp. I have c100 witnesses who received the link to the podcast in their inboxes at the same time I published it on this website. Can you see what one of the most powerful politicians in the country tried to do?
Click on the link and you can hear the full podcast.

Furthermore, for those that have listened to what I had to say, the content of my podcast is a warning of the growing Islamification of the town if the proposed boundary changes were to go ahead. Oldham would effectively become a Muslim majority constituency. I object to this. Instead of encouraging violence, what I actually did was encourage people to sign a petition opposing the establishment of a politically Muslim majority constituency. This is the petition.

Below is a key paragraph from what I said. Read it and tell me what you find offensive or which you disagree with. McMAHON would, if he could, and he has been trying now for nearly 5 years, silence me and all of us that oppose his tyranny.
'I would rather our children and grandchildren did not wake up one day to find our town all about an enclave of a new Muslim nation within our nation. The day may yet come where they will turn around and with tears in their eyes, ask us why did we sit back and do nothing? But on this matter, we, the people of the town do have the power to stop this.'
This is Part III of the multi part line deconstruction of McMAHON, SHAH and Greater Manchester Police's failed attempt to frame me. Remember, what these people do is only possible with the complicity of the likes of CHARLOTTE GREEN and the fake liberal metropolitan elite that control the mainstream media. Next time one of you see Ms GREEN, ask her, why is it that the collapse of AROOJ SHAH's case against me, and the failed attempts by JIM McMAHON MP and his Labour Party friends to frame me, have never been reported.
If you do click on the link to watch the video, please do consider liking the post and if you are yet to do so, please subscribe to my Youtube page. It is completely free.
Since the video footage of the firebombing was smuggled out and shared with me by anti Cartel activists from within Glodwick's Pakistani community, which show what really took place, neither JIM McMAHON, Greater Manchester Police nor any of their mates from the mainstream media have anything to say on why, over a year later, not a single person has been charged. Your guess why is as good as mine. Samosa?
Welcome to Oldham.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.
For the last 4 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.