When the public ask for pride

When the public ask for pride

Oldham Council Meeting | 12:07:23 | Part 1

Before the Recusant Nine transmissions, there was no challenge inside the Council chamber. Since RAJA MIAH MBE began politically educating the people of the town, Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH and her Labour Party run Council have done everything possible to try and keep people outside.

Despite police riot vans on standby and prison like security surrounding the Civic Centre, in a classic insurgency style operation, the Rabble still managed to ambush SHAH and her team of senior Oldham politicians at the full Council meeting. More than just completely humiliating SHAH, MUSHTAQ and their team at Public Questions, this group of social justice campaigners exposed Oldham's Labour Party leaders as liars, racists and homophobes.

Watch and witness how with laser like precision the people of Oldham ended the political career of Oldham Council Deputy Leader Cllr SHAID MUSHTAQ and shamed AROOJ SHAH.

Part 2 coming soon.

Subscribe now to be a part of the People's Alliance of Oldham. Help defeat Labour and #TakeBackOldham. #JusticeIsComing

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.

Raja Miah MBE
Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
Oldham West, Chadderton & Royton

For the last 5 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.
