Where AROOJ SHAH Re Writes History & Her Mobster Relationships Remains A Mystery

Recusant Nine Transmission | 2000hrs | 07:11:2021
Community activists have smuggled out from Thursday night's Big Con a recording of the, at times volatile, exchange between the disgraced leader of Oldham Council Cllr AROOJ SHAH and residents seeking clarification of her relationship with the convicted HEROIN DEALER getaway driver of the Oldham COP KILLER, Dale Cregan.
Contained within the audio clips AROOJ SHAH can be heard clearly defending the convicted heroin dealer IRISH IMY. Flanked by the interim Chief Executive HARRY CATHERALL, the Leader of Oldham Council attempts to re write history by claiming DALE CREGAN's getaway driver had nothing to do with the cold blooded assassinations of 2 police officers. A genuinely astonishing claim as IRISH IMY, a career criminal who has spent the majority of his adult life in and out of prison, was in the dock and CONVICTED for 7 years for his role alongside his gangland associate CREGAN.
Coincidently, CREGAN's grenades were later found by Police stashed in a drainpipe in the predominantly Pakistani area of GLODWICk. Though this is an area this White mobster has no direct connection with, AROOJ SHAH both lives in this area and for a time was Councillor here also. As I say, a coincidence.
Within hours of the footage being leaked, the names of attendees at this meeting were leaked to the 'malicious blogger' and proven liar NIEL WILBY. This so called 'investigative journalist' has for some time attempting to intimidate members of the public that openly challenge Cllr AROOJ SHAH by publishing names and photographs. Whilst this time, WILBY stepped too far and fell foul of TWITTER's rules on data protection and privacy, what has taken place is a serious data protection breach from Oldham Council.
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