Where McMahon Sells Out More, And The Cartels Know the Score

Multiple studies have confirmed that Oldham ranks highest amongst the most segregated towns in the United Kingdom. Though the usual measurements of segregated communities, where people lead parallel lives, are well known indicators of measuring poor community cohesion, there is a more dangerous indicator that demonstrates a worsening state of affairs.
Ignored by mainstream academics and policy makers, this key indicator of growing segregation can be identified through examining the changing demographic backgrounds of a town's political leadership. Clearly evident in Oldham, what is taking place here should cause alarm irrespective of which community its townsfolk identify themselves with.
In town's like Oldham, division, mistrust and segregation is amplified through over representation in political positions from amongst its minority communities. Increasingly, and worryingly, this over representation has resulted in a growing number of wards being exclusively represented by Pakistani or Bangladeshi councillors, even though the community they represent is actually more diverse. Just imagine the outcry if this situation was reversed and we had a situation where the politicians that represented all the Muslim areas of the town were White.
In Oldham, 7 of its 20 wards are now all but controlled through the block Muslim vote and the majority of AROOJ SHAH's Cabinet, the elite group of Councillors that control the Council, is Muslim. Each of these 7 wards is almost exclusively represented by a network of Asian councillors. Where there are White councillors, to maintain their positions, they rely on the support of the majority Muslim membership of the wards they represent.
Across these 7 wards, Councillors have clear ties with Cartels whose interests they represent in their increasingly expanding and mono ethnic communities. Leaders of these Cartels, fully aware of their status, enjoy levels of power normally seen in Mafia gangster movies depicting Al Capone's Chicago. Separate to controlling how local Council elections are decided, the block vote delivered by the Cartels also determine the outcome of General Elections and who gets to become MP. No wonder that both JIM McMAHON and DEBBIE ABRAHAMS are regularly found at Muslim only functions and tip toe around unacceptable prejudices in these communities.
As these Asian communities grow and expand out from their traditional neighbourhoods, so also do the Cartels expand and grow their power base. In the areas the Cartels move in to, without fail, you start to see a takeover of the political landscape as White politicians are one by one replaced by Asian representatives that bring with them a powerful block vote.
Up until now, the Cartels have been contained to a third of Oldham Council through controlling the Council seats in only the areas where the majority of Oldham's Asian communities live. But with JIM McMAHON's block vote at risk, this is now about to change. And as with most changes in Oldham that include JIM McMAHON and his Muslim led Labour Party, the changes benefit one particular community over another. Such is always the way in segregated towns, wherever in England they may be, the pattern is always the same. The White Working Class is yet again betrayed.

Reliable sources have informed me that the Labour Party in Oldham is changing its approach to selecting candidates for next May's elections. An open selection process will now take place across 19 of Oldham's 20 wards. The only exception is McMAHON's power base in Coldhurst. This change in approach by the Labour Party in Oldham follows the election in Medlock Vale of the Conservative Councillor, SAHR ABID. From seemingly out of nowhere, Ms ABID, secured 1,845 votes to take the seat from Labour. Up to now, Medlock Vale had been a Labour Party fortress, consistently delivering the Labour Party with all 3 councillor seats at local elections and McMAHON the usual sackfuls of postal votes come the General Election. Though the swing to Conservative came as a surprise to most political analysts, those familiar with the Cartels knew it was only a matter of time before we arrived here.
Across Oldham, the predominantly Pakistani, occasionally Bangladeshi, always Muslim, Asian Cartels have outgrown their historical power bases. Once confined to the 4 traditional Asian areas of Coldhurst, Medlock Vale, Saint Mary's and Werneth, they have expanded and now control Alexandra, North Chadderton and Waterhead. In these wards, where the Asian community has grown in number, there is an uneasy alliance between the increasing number of Asian councillors and the historical White Labour Party representatives of the wards.
The Labour Party run Council, trying to keep at least 1 councillor in these wards White, has been wheeling and dealing with the Cartels, hence one of the reasons for the discount sale of public assets such as the historic Carnegie Library in North Chadderton and the baths in Glodwick. The impact of the sales of these properties on community cohesion is also something else consistently ignored as traditionally public facilities used by people from across all backgrounds is transferred to be exclusively used by just one.
A clear example of this can be seen in Chadderton. Sold in a batch of three, the historic Carnegie Library was converted to an Islamic Girls School, the sports centre to an Asian wedding hall and the police station mothballed and now back on the market for over £500,000. Touted as a HMO, it will likely be sold at a significant profit as well as adversely affecting the local community.

In Oldham, it is never enough to look at what these once public facilities are now used for. Who these buildings were sold to is also equally significant. All 3 buildings in Chadderton were sold to the disgraced CSDA organisation where the Chief Executive was sentenced for his role in a complex fraud investigation. Nonetheless, despite having this knowledge, both JIM McMAHON MP and now Oldham Council Leader AROOJ SHAH, alongside North Chadderton Cllr MOHON ALI, were more than happy to be seen out campaigning for votes with the key figure at CSDA - MOHIBUR RAHMAN. The MP naturally went several steps further and was later pictured samosa nibbling with MOHIBUR RAHMAN and members of his team at one of their house in the evening.

Unfortunately, now exposed through the Recusant Nine Disclosures, it is no longer as easy as it once was for deals like this to be completed. Nor are the Cartels just satisfied with buying public assets at discount prices. They want more. If the block vote is to continue delivering, they want much more. Their aspirations include;
- ability to deselect the remaining White councillors in the Cartel wards and replace them with their own candidates
- ability to challenge for seats against existing White Labour Party councillors in Labour controlled wards elsewhere in the town. Up to now, this was not allowed and the Cartel representatives were sent off to stand as official Labour Party candidates in wards they had no chance of winning
- ability to challenge and replace the old guard Cartel representatives (with strong allegiances to JIM McMAHON) with new leaders emerging through the Cartels
Whilst all 3 of these aspirations should cause alarm in the wider community, it is actually the last one that has caused the most concern amongst the Labour Party leaders in Oldham. The Cartel old guard most at risk have long standing relationships with McMAHON. Knowing where the samosa crumb trails lead, it has not been in the Labour Party's interests to see their gatekeepers challenged from inside their own community. Which brings me back round to Medlock Vale.
In Medlock Vale, SAHR ABID, a progressive, liberal minded Pakistani young woman, who stood as a Conservative candidate against the long standing Labour Councillor ATEEQUE UR-REHMAN, should have been annihilated. Instead, she won, after a faction of the Cartel switched sides and supported her. Prevented from being able to deselect ATEEQUE UR-REHMAN at selection, they decided to show their strength at the election and backed a young woman who should have had no chance in a Labour Party stronghold. The result sent shockwaves across the Labour Party controlled Oldham Council. Knowing the Muslim block vote was at risk, more ground now needed to be conceded the Asian Cartels.
It is not just Medlock Vale that has forced the Labour Party's hand. In other wards, where the Labour Party had established loyalties with older Cartels, Independent candidates have sprung up - essentially factions of the Cartels vying for a place in the Council. In areas like St Mary’s and Coldhurst, these candidates have either won or come very close.
In Alexandra, Coldhurst, Medlock Vale, North Chadderton, St Mary's and Werneth, the Cartels now have more want to be councillors than they have seats and need to expand. In previous years, attempting to delay a Cartel civil war for seats, the Labour Party has sent would be Asian councillors to un winnable seats such as Shaw and Crompton. Now wise to this, the Cartels are refusing to continue playing this game of standing in un winnable seats. They want to put their representatives in seats where the Labour Party is strong.
Whatever anyone thinks of Brother Jamal, his skills have to be acknowledged in effectively securing votes in the Cartel controlled Muslim wards. Fearing losing the c10,000 Cartel controlled block Muslim votes come the General Election, it seems that the LABOUR PARTY is now preparing to sell out more parts of the town to maintain this block Muslim vote and has approved an open selection process. This will allow the Cartels the opportunity to challenge existing Labour Party councillors in a bid to secure the official nomination. Essentially an election before an election, deciding who becomes the Labour Party candidate in each ward next May, every branch member is allowed to vote.
McMAHON and his mates that control Oldham's Labour Party, reliant on the Cartel controlled block vote in both local and general elections, have now been forced into allowing Cartel candidates to expand out of their traditional power bases and stand as candidates elsewhere in the town where the Labour Party actually hold power. In the Cartel wards, the Labour Party branches are made up of almost entirely Pakistani & Bangladeshi members where factions fight out with each other to secure the nomination. Already preparing for their success, these Cartels have been slowly infiltrating these other branches with their members, so that when the time comes, they have the votes to select their candidates and replace existing White Labour Party councillors.
Over the 2022 and 2023 all out elections, particularly in Cartel neighbouring wards such as Hollinwood, Chadderton Central, Royton North and even St James - all historically strong Labour Party areas, expect to see some familiar faces challenged for their seats as they face deselection. In areas such as Alexandra, North Chadderton and Waterhead, when the time comes, also expect to see the last White faces replaced as all 3 councillors in these areas become either Pakistani or Bangladeshi. I do not think that any amount of wising Merry Christmas on Pakistani TV or being the only woman in a room packed with Bangladeshi men will save the likes of Cllrs HARRISON or BROWNBRIDGE come selection time.
The only exception to this open selection process is McMAHONS's OBA CARTEL stronghold in Coldhurst. With the deselection of McMAHON's key General, Cllr ABDUL JABBAR, a strong possibility, Coldhurst has had its Labour Party branch suspended for a number of years. Providing McMAHON with the highest number of block votes come election time, even the Council's admittance in its role in rigging the most recent election, where ABDUL JABBAR won by 71 votes, has not been enough for the Labour Party to distance itself from the deep rooted levels of corruption in this area.
Top of the Cartel Hitlist this year is Hollinwood where ex leader of Oldham Council JEAN STRETTON is up for re election. Having already been ousted as Council leader by JIM McMAHON, in a coup that saw her replaced by his proteges SEAN FIELDING & AROOJ SHAH, it seems that once again she is a pawn ready to be sacrificed as JIM McMAHON attempts to shore up his core Muslim block vote prior to the next General Election.
The consequences of what is taking place in Oldham are clear. As the Cartels grow more powerful, and expand their territory, more and more of the townsfolk are being left behind. In the Cartel controlled communities, those that do not want to live under a system that should be more familiar in Kashmir, than areas such as Clarksfield or Coldhurst, may as well live in a dictatorship rater than the pretence of a liberal Western democracy. In the White Working Class Communities, where apathy, disillusionment, disenfranchisement and widespread mistrust in politicians is the norm, this latest betrayal will come as no surprise.
Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them
Raja Miah MBE
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