Why is Shah so keen on Star?

In August 2023, Oldham Council leader AROOJ SHAH stood on the steps of the Civic Centre alongside her Chief Executive HARRY CATHERALL and JIM McMAHON MP with Eton College SIMON HENDERSON. It followed news that, in partnership with STAR ACADEMIES, Eton were to open a 6th Form in Oldham.

Eyebrows were immediately raised at the time as to why a Labour Party run council, traditionally champions of comprehensive schooling, would be so keen to get in bed with Eton College. Teaching unions described it as a marketing ploy and the more suspicious members of the town believed Eton's role was for tax benefits. Unfortunately, with all eyes on Eaton, no one stopped to look towards their partner STAR ACADEMIES. If they had, they would perhaps have understood why McMAHON & SHAH were so keen on STAR.
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Decide for yourselves if Oldham Council is trying to secretly help open a state funded Muslim school in Oldham. And if it succeeds, what will come next in a town described as the most segregated in England.