Why Is The Manchester Evening News Covering Up Rape Gangs And Helping Protect Paedophile Enabling Politicians?

Why Is The Manchester Evening News Covering Up Rape Gangs And Helping Protect Paedophile Enabling Politicians?

The Labour Party associated Pakistani Rape Gangs were successful in gang raping thousands of children not just because of the actions of politicians, police and council officers. They succeeded because those that controlled the mainstream media also turned and looked the other way. Across the country, where the Grooming Gangs operated and Working Class White girls were gang raped, the story is the same - so called journalists helped hide what was taking place.

Enter CHARLOTTE GREEN. Funded by the BBC, this so called local democracy reporter, who previously helped SEAN FIELDING accuse victims and families of the Oldham Rape Gangs as liars, has contacted me with 20 questions. She is planning an article where attempting to discredit me. Instead of publishing a story about what I have exposed and what I have endured for having done what I have, she wants to attempt to tarnish my name and reputation. Ms GREEN doesn't understand. None of them do. This isn't about me. It never has been about me. This is about a town that has had enough. This is about a people that will no longer bite their tongue, look down and turn away for fear of being called racist.

I'll livestream my responses to CHARLOTTE GREEN's 20 questions at 1pm today. I'll also send her a nice photograph as well to go with her article.

For those that want, I'll stand beneath the ANNIE KENNY statue in Oldham and sign their paper copies and take selfies with people that want one. We all know what Ms GREEN and her Labour Party supporting fake liberal metropolitan elite are really about. And we do not fear them.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.

For the last 3 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children in Oldham. If you find what I share of value, please support my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.


