With Fear and Definite Favour

With Fear and Definite Favour

For those that have asked me, following my arrest in a dawn raid by 6 police officers, I am yet to be charged of any criminal offence. My bail has now been extended for a further 3 months in addition to the 1 month that has already passed. I am also yet to have returned my digital equipment that the police were extremely keen to take away. There remains no justifiable reason for the confiscation of my phone and computer devices. I believe it was to attempt to both censor my posts and also identify the people that have supported me in exposing the corruption in our town.

Whilst I was detained and refused access to a phone call, somehow the police passed on details of my arrest to the malicious blogger and proven liar NEIL WILBY. At this time, no one but the police and myself knew of my arrest. This suggests that WILBY was tipped off. I suspect this was from the politicians that had ordered my arrest. We all know who they are. Even though he is a proven liar and malicious blogger, as determined by the Courts, senior Labour Party politicians, including both JIM McMAHON and AROOJ SHAH continue to openly fraternise with him on Twitter.

The police confirmed with WILBY that my detention was part of something called Operation Hexagon. The local newspaper, The Oldham Times, then reported that Operation Hexagon was GMP's child sexual exploitation operation and that I had been arrested as part of a CSE investigation. All this time, I was still in a cell. All this time, I had been denied access to even a phone call. And to avoid any doubt, at no point during my interview was either Operation Hexagon or CSE mentioned to me at all.

Following my release, I have been able to find out that Operation Hexagon is a joint operation between GMP and Oldham Council. There is nothing in any documentation that this is a CSE investigation. The information I have been able to have sight of confirms that my arrest was politically motivated and an attempt to silence me from continuing to expose corruption in Oldham Council, the relationship between senior politicians and Pakistani mobsters and the ongoing cover up of the grooming and gang rape of the town's children.

At this moment in time, I remain practically under house arrest with my bail conditions confining my evenings to my home address. When challenged, the police officer that bailed me, Detective Sergeant 16191 CHRISTOPHER DEAN, claims this is to prevent me absconding. For clarity, I have not been charged, I do not have a criminal record and I doubt even my critics would accuse me of hiding. There is no evidence at all to suggest that I will run away. Rather, I am clear in my position that should the CPS charge me, I will be pushing for a trial by 12 of my peers.

The Police's failure to lift my bail conditions leaves me as a sitting target. Following my arrest, the brother of Cllr SHAID MUSHTAQ, a certain TAHIR MUSHTAQ, has taken to social media to claim that I am a child sex abuser. In a now familiar pattern of Islamic prejudice, he has also claimed that I am gay and published my address online.

Despite the police claim that they are taking measures to safeguard me, not a single police officer has contacted me to share with me any details of what these safety measures are. The obvious and immediate action they could take is to issue a simple statement confirming the facts of my arrest and that I was not at all interviewed for anything to do with child sexual exploitation. That they have persistently refused to do this only incriminates them further in this politically motivated abuse of power.

It is my firm belief that, in a style reminiscent of the Stasi, ANDY BURNHAM's Greater Manchester Police, is now nothing more than a vehicle through which corrupt politicians and criminal council officers censor, silence and intimidate their critics. I look forward to the prospect of shaming an in Special Measures and Institutionally Racist Police Force in a Court of Law. By the time I am done, we will be able to add Institutionally Corrupt to their long list of shames.

Below is the latest letter I have written to the new Chief Constable. He has so far refused to respond to my previous communications. I do not expect a response to this one either. Welcome to Oldham, where the police act in fear of mobsters and in definite favour of corrupt politicians desperate to cover up their crimes.

Raja Miah MBE

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