With Oldham on the brink of bankruptcy, Shah demands the townsfolk pay her executives yet more money

Recusant Nine Transmission | 2000hrs | Monday | 26:02:24
After admitting it has been forced to allocate a further £34 million pounds of the town's dwindling reserves to balance the forthcoming year's budget, people are right to ask whether AROOJ SHAH's Oldham Council is now at risk of a Section 114 and becoming the latest Labour Party run Council to declare bankruptcy? And before someone else blames central government, remind me whose idea it was to blow over £10 million in buying a failed shopping centre during a global pandemic?

Though Oldham Council has assured the public they are not on that cliff edge just yet, what they have been forced to confirm is that the town's reserves are now down to their final £37 million. Once, before McMAHON and his masterplans, the town's reserves was in the region of £150 million.

We're just as little as 9 £10 subscriptions away from our £1,000 target to make the transmissions free to air. If you are yet to do so, please upgrade your subscription and help stop Labour destroy the town you call home.
Join me on Monday evening as I go through the latest round of monopoly madness prior to a live watch along of Wednesday night's explosive Council budget meeting. If we get to our £1,000 target, the transmission will go out free to air. If not, subscribers will be emailed a link an hour before going live and also be able to access the link on the transmissions section of the webpage.
Raja 🙏